Kentucky Derby 2022

No complaint here. I love seeing him at sporting events.

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Are you referencing War Emblem or Charismatic? War Emblem was uninterested in breeding no matter where he was. They really tried to get him to enjoy breeding, but without success.

ETA Never Mind. I think you must be speaking of Charismatic. Correct me if I’m wrong. :slightly_smiling_face:

Just out of curiosity, I wonder what that process was like. Did they try to bribe him with carrots? :thinking:

They tried everything. Moving his stall so he was the only stallion in the barn and overlooking a field of mares. Parading different mares in front of him, hoping that he’d take an interest in at least one of them. Hormone therapy, bribery with food, you name it, they did it.

He went for multiple seasons without breeding at all and I think his largest crop was 40 (something) foals.



There are several articles about him in “The Horse”. They’re interesting.

If you type his name in the search box the articles come up.

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That just links to an entire Google page. Don’t see any interviews from before the race.

He was at least slightly successful in that area. More so than Cigar…

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Interesting, thanks.

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Oops, sorry. I’ll try to find the right link.

Cigar had a fertility problem. War emblem was fertile, just uninterested.


I can’t imagine their reasoning. The cross was a TrueNicks F, not that TrueNicks is the be all and end all, but still, most breeders won’t breed that close.

Interesting to see that once the outrider got Rich Strike moving forward, he stopped the shenanigans. Makes me think of the advice of “move their feet” when they’re being naughty or stubborn.


Can you elaborate with examples from his pedigree? Not that I’m questioning you, but I’d like to learn about his pedigree and any inbreeding.


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The dosages are there to be seen. It’s unusual really. Keen Ice has enough common ancestors. To put him to this mare seems like an odd choice, don’t you think?

It made a Kentucky Derby winner, but wouldn’t you choose an outcross if you were breeding a mare to him?

Check out your quote I quoted.

How does he not have a pedigree to be attractive to mare owners? Inbreeding? Can you link to his pedigree? I honestly don’t know it. Thanks!

I linked to his pedigree in the post above, that has an incredible amount of green letters. Click on them.That’s his pedigree. :slightly_smiling_face:

Nope. All it says is get your free 5-cross pedigree if you log in.