Krol Hearing for Michael Barisone 7/16

meh. some of the worst actors in my area no one would say a peep about because, for one thing, they want them to move along elsewhere…


Yes, in teaching they used to call it “passing the trash”, giving someone a decent recommendation just to get rid of them.


They do it at jobs too. A problem employee gets a good recommendation from the manager to get them out.


OMG yes. The way we had to very carefully sculpt those letters of recommendation…


Fingers crossed for a great outcome today.

Please, anyone who attends please let us know what happens.


“You’ll be lucky if you can get them to work for you.”


I worked in Saddlhorse world and those trainers were very blunt in their thoughts about specific clients when asked, also prospective clients were often know from their activity at shows … there were many who no one wanted

Jingles for a good outcome, hope someone updates how it’s going soon


I know! I can hardly bring myself to pull up this thread—I’m being overwhelmed with pessimism.


I hope Nancy Jaffer made it to the hearing.



Come back Aug 30


What??? Delayed again??


and I expect this to be continued until this judge retires as it his way of dealing with what he thinks was an error by the jury Doesn’t his appoint continue for four or more years?


That’s exactly what I’m worried about.

I don’t trust Taylor for a second.


Kicking the can down the road. Shocker.

Idk what the difference is between now and then? Eventually they’ll run out of excuses.


Same here. By gosh darn, Judge Taylor is going to right that wrong verdict and dole out his own version of justice.

What a nightmare for Barisone and those who love him. May they continue to persevere and have strength.


The hearing did happen today as scheduled, and the results are actually positive.

Barisone’s current doctor testified, and said he has done incredible work, and he could not be more pleased with Michael as a patient. Dr. Wall feels Michael has all the tools and support systems in place to continue on. He feels Michael has gained a lot from therapy, and shows no signs of mental illness. He also stated he had personally thought that there are many things that do not make sense to him about the index incident (just like the rest of us), but he never told Michael his thoughts. Obviously, Michael did hear this in court today.

A doctor has been secured for Michael in FL, when he returns there, and this doctor has been vetted and approved by both Greystone and Michael’s current doctor.

Taylor’s big concern is not having reciprocity on Krol matters with the state of FL should there be an issue with Michael, and his behavior, once he is residing in FL. The August hearing is to review case law concerning Krol, re-vet the doctor in FL, and make sure Taylor’s long arm of the law can reach to FL should it need to, which it will not. Michael has a plan in place, an incredible support team in with his fiancé, friends, his doctors and legal team.

In order to move forward, counsel was requested to supply certain things to the judge and prosecutor, and the issue will be revisited August 30. Taylor specifically stated that the next goal is to make these things happen so Michael can go to FL, so he can return to his farm, his loved ones, and restart his life.

Which brings me to Michael’s friends as a support system. There were 12 people who showed up to support Michael. Karen K. and her boyfriend had never met Michael before this incident. An older couple from Philadelphia, who Michael got to know through Dressage at Devon, have shown up regularly to support him. Another friend of Michael’s, who has known him for close to 30 years, has been at court every time and visited him weekly while he was being held. Michael’s brother-in-law was also there to show support. Larry the Hay Guy was there, and his support of Michael has never wavered! The EIM was well represented with multiple members present.

Here is to hard work and another hearing in August! Things are moving forward and Michael Barisone is proving he is a winner somewhere other than just the dressage arena. He is showing the world how to make a comeback!


:dancer: :woman_cartwheeling:

About damn time.


It was always inevitable that Michael would be able to return to Florida and his farm. I’m sure that farm has security and countermeasures in place.

The forward progress makes me very happy. I hope MB is truly blooming again as these steps are completed.