Lawsuit filed re: death of jumper near Aiken

This post @LSBC?

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Yes! Specifically “Shocker. This is a ridiculously skewed version ïżŒof what truly happened. Disgusting that someone can make such accusations based off one side to a story.”

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She isn’t in Georgia is she?!

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No, Ontario. I’m sure there are others like her :frowning:

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Thank you. Don’t know how people can defend this.


Oh they are defending her on the newspaper page and one is bashing the “victim.” :roll_eyes:

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I dunno. Having come up in the 90s, my observation is the horse world is a mighty forgiving place.


I know who you’re talking about. Her followers are like a cult, it’s truly bizarre how she continues to have all these rabid supporters despite all that’s come out.


It’s absolutely crazy and what’s public is just scratching the surface. One person even commented on the FB page “I’ve never been there in person BUT ONLINE she seems amazing!

Actually commenting they are judging completely by what they see online. Biggest catfish/scam ever.


This kind of puts things in perspective for me when I put the human error aside. A horse can learn a lot when they stand tied. I used to make it a daily practice of tying all 3 of my equines ( 2 horses 1 mule) when I ( in turn) worked them. That means they each stood tied daily for a couple of hours and for the majority of the time I couldn’t see them.

My 3 were tied in the barn to huge poles but they were tied to baling twine attached to the pole.

My problem comes from the horse in question being tied in anger, in an abusive way and being tied with no means of escape if an emergency escape was needed.

I learned decades ago to never tie hard and fast to any object. I always have them tied to a loop of twine, even when trailering. I have had a horse pull back and break the twine only once in decades and boy am I glad she was tied with twine at that time.


Could you share? Feel free to PM.

@TheJenners, it is up thread, with instructions that even I can follow.

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Ugh those photos are horrific. My guess is that he got his jaw caught on the bars or the rope and panicked and pulled back which is how he lost the teeth and then he fell and either died immediately or couldn’t regain his feet and suffocated.


OH MY GOD! If I had done something like that which resulted in such an incredibly painful, frightening death, I don’t think I could live with myself. That poor horse must have panicked and fought his heart out. I hope her nightmares are beyond haunting and terrifying.


omg. I wish I could unsee that. poor horse. I hope if all the allegations are true this trainer is held to account.

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I refuse to look. The fact he lost teeth is enough for me to know I can’t handle the gruesomeness. I wish those photos were not public. Poor horse and the people who loved him. :broken_heart:


I mean, they are public in the sense that they are part of a court filing, not in a TMZ sort of way.


I have never understood why anyone works hard tie a horse. They are to quote a creature looking for an inconvenient place and way to die. Unquote. My horses are tied with binder twine and a knot that pull releases and they have still broken halters.


I don’t want to look at the photos, could someone post a description of what it looks like instead.
I want to know but don’t want to look.

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Sorry, I must have scrolled right past it! D’oh!