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Lexie won her Dressage Class at Morgan Nationals

Really do not have much information yet but got the after class photo from wife showing daughter with Lexie’s first place ribbon and metal, also I think there is a second place also. knew they had two classes this morning

The way the photo was sent I can not download.

We are really impressed with Lexie as she is developing into a reincarnation of our first Morgan Shamrock Foxie Joy who was a multiple discipline champion. For a horse who had not even been saddled until May 2022 Lexie has just been exceptional.


Congratulations Clanter!



Intro A 76.25 for 2nd
Intro C 75.25 for 1st

(the photo over daughter’s shoulder is this years glamor photo of Lexie )


Well Done!!!

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Lexie has been an interesting horse to have, she spent her first five years turned out in the brood mare band as the breeder had client horses that came first, their horses had to wait

When Socrates had to be ethnized, the breeder offer Lexie not as a replacement but something for daughter to work with (Fig is Sock’s replacement Fig is short for Figment as is sort of a replica of Socks being his half brother)

Lexie has several more classes yet, tomorrow Intro Dressage Test B, then Monday its the good old Sport Horse In Hand but in Mares class that both Fig and Socks won their stallion/geldings then were high point for the WC Sport Horse in Hand because they outscored all of the others, then after that she goes Western… GN Ranch Riding Pattern 4 Open and Pattern 5 and GN Ranch Trail Open

she is wearing Number 8, GW Inspiration


How wonderful, awesome wins, all else considered.
Congratulations! :star_struck:


She is a backyard horse without a trainer who spends most all of her time in her paddock

She is preforming against horses who spend most of their lives in full training

However daughter is no slouch, she can hold her own against all others and make her horse be its best by ensuring the horse has the opportunities.

There Are Many Morgans that can do a LOT of stuff if given the chance


Congratulations to your daughter and Lexie!

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I just looked at the proofs of the show photos, Lexie really did not look like the pasture horse she is, looked very fancy … the class she won she beat the others by 5 points

It will not be able to post the photos until toward the end of the show that’s when we buy the rights to a package,

here is a link to the proofs Class 502… Lexie starts with photo number 32 through 64


There are some beautiful pictures there!
She really did the job well, both of them did. :sunglasses:

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go to Class 504… photo #47… head shot of Lexie… a very nice photo that shows the intensive concertation shown in her eyes


Took me a while to learn to navigate that site, glad I found it.

That picture will need to be framed, such a classy mare, beautiful! :heart_eyes:


later once we have the rights to use the photos I will post some of them, however that specific photo really shows the quality of equipment being used as the photographer was not near Lexie when that photo was taken. As these are working proofs, nothing added/subtracted that is the actual photo not a cropped portion of a photo.

I have viewed thousands of proofs and was impressed when I saw that proof.


Congratulations Looked at the proofs, very nice. Can’t wait to see the ones you upload


Congratulations!! I love hearing this.

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Congrats! I love everything about this, your daughter, the horses, this mare and the breed-I bet you’re so proud!

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Congrats to Lexie!! :purple_heart: And to your daughter, what a horsewoman.

I swear this forum is giving me Morgan fever. Never even met one, but now I’m seeing how lovely they are!


We bought our first Morgan in 1989, we were looking for a horse for our kids. We had worked with several breeds and we knew well several breeds that we thought would not be a good child’s horse. We ended narrowing our search down to a Connemara or a Morgan.

We have found the Morgan breed to be a good fit for us. The breed in general has an excellent relationship with its owners. The horses just have a never give up attitude, we found we need to be protective of them as the ones we have owned are very stoic and will not complain. They are game for whatever is asked of them and have a huge heart.

My daughter is a very dedicated amateur. I am always amazed at just what she will do with her horses and what her horses will do for her.

I think Lexie is just tried of Fig telling her He is a World Champion, so she is out to put him in his place


I’ve mentioned this before but my husband’s life horse was a 14 hand Morgan mare that he bought for $100 when he was 14. He cowboyed on her, roped on her, did tricks off her, many many miles, she dragged a bull into a trailer that outweighed her by 1000 lbs, tough, smart, kind, spunky, intuitive, packed our little kids but made them ride. I remember being depressed after a loss and I had that mare by the porch hand grazing and realized she was by the steps (I’m short) and I suddenly came back to life and jumped on her, turned her up the road just bareback with that halter on her and we RAN RAN RAN. She met me where I was at and we had the most amazing run up that dirt road and she pranced hard all the way back, totally healed me. But scared my Grandma that watched the whole scene ha ha That mare lived to be 38. We’ve had crosses over the years and you can always tell the best part of those horses were the Morgan. Morgans and TWH are our breeds of choice.