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Live Stream of Wellington Young Rider Clinic January 4-7

Did she make comments? Or a single comment, that she now probably is rethinking having said.

If you are going to castigate a well known figure, please be accurate. What other comment(s) were made?

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Everybody on the board has hit a horse at some point in their life. Let go of your pearls everyone :roll_eyes:


No pearl clutching here. I carry a crop and use it when I need to. It was just her word choice that rubbed me the wrong way


I certainly do not and will never ride as well as any of these riders, but I sure do listen better!


SO frustrating. Really terrible camera work. I can hear Katie speak, I don’t need the camera on her (or the previous rider walking away) while the next rider is going out of view. Same for the flatwork, couldn’t see any of the lead change work she was doing with them.


Dear LazyA1, I used the comments, and comments is plural. Watch the session, you can hear yourself. I was being accurate by saying comments because she made several over the first group sessoin. Nice that you have appointed yourself the forum monitor! We all appreciate your need to do that. Hahaha


I wish she’d said it more. They as a whole don’t seem to be able to use a stick properly or react and discipline as needed.


I will say I had to laugh just now when Beezie was talking about getting a bigger spur for the girl on the gray horse, and she glanced down at her own feet to see if she had bigger spurs on herself. That was hilarious.


I noticed that a couple of times this morning they’ve tried to do a split screen with the rider and the trainer, which is not really necessary.

I think it’s important to remember that the people operating the cameras are usually not horse people. They’re used to just following the individual horse that is in the show ring as it goes around the course.


Is anyone getting pretty crackly audio from Beezie? It’s making it hard to hear her.

I can hear her.

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Love that a few of the kids made an effort to braid

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I have to give extra credit to the ones who are doing this clinic in a pretty high pressure situation in front of God and everybody with an internet connection on a strange horse. Props to them.


It got better for me so maybe it’s just my connection.

Anyone know the name of Hunter Champey’s horse? Really like that one a lot.

Emmeline is doing a great job with that massive bay. He looks like a difficult ride.


Estarina! She’s had her a while now.

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Thank you! Lovely mare.

There’s a little static once in a while, so I wonder if her mic is rubbing up against her collar or something.

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I really enjoy Beezie’s teaching style. Tough in the moments where it’s necessary (calling out the girl who had to adjust her helmet, or the last rider for not getting tougher after the stop) but always quick to point out what was done right. She seems to do a great job of being constructively and productively critical.