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Longines League of Nations at WEC

Anyone watching? I made sure to get home early today in order watch all or most of it. It’s on clipmyhorse, and I know how many here feel about CMH… the first 5 have all gone clear

Clip my horse was playing up for me for a while (after watching all week with no issues) but I got it going. 7 clear rounds in a row. Hmmmm wonder what’s up with that

I think the course designer might be starting to sweat at this point.

I have to say the course and the jumps and the whole place all look beautiful!

The people in charge of the plants had to be working triple overtime. I was there last week and they were already working on getting the arena all dressed up for this event.

The time allowed today seems abnormally long after watching the first 8 go. There were 5 clear on Thursday with another 5 that jumped clear with just time faults.

Friend of mine is there, says its too easy for this level. The shadows look heinous to me :smiley:

I feel certain it will ride harder once it’s under lights tonight! But I agree, most of these horses look like they’re just playing around the course

And you’re right, the shadow from the hotel really starts to creep out into the ring

Oh my the water jump judge almost just got jumped on


That was a close call! It looked like he maybe got splashed a bit. Lol.

I wonder what spooked Callas at the end there. McLain looked like he was having a lengthy conversation with a couple people about it

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I’m not able to watch. How are the US horses doung and I hear there were a few eliminations. Where are the trouble spots?

I was wondering what happened. My feed decided to freeze up right after he went through the finish line and disappeared from view on the screen, so I could not tell what happened. I hope he stayed on!

3 clears, Aaron had one down
The eliminations have happened at the water. I think only 2? The shadow and lighting made the water toward the end of the class very difficult, in addition to having two big water features on either side of the actual water jump


Does anyone know how they decide which of the 3 12 faulters go to the next round? I wasn’t paying attention if the commentators said

The US finished on no faults since they were able to drop Aaron Vale’s four(?) fault score. Ireland and the Netherlands also finished the first round with no faults. Belgium finished on four. Germany, France and Switzerland on eight. Brazil on twelve.

Sweden and Great Britain will not advance to the second round.

There were a couple of horses who wanted no part of the water jump and were eliminated there. One from Belgium and one from Sweden, I think.

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Via time. Fastest combined time goes on. Brazil advances based on .15 second

USA, Ireland, and Netherlands through on 0, USA on top based on time.

I think second round starts at 7:30? The live scoring says 19:30 which if my math is right equals 7:30

Yes, the second round should start at 7:30. It will be interesting to see what the light/shadow situation is by that point, and how it will change over the course of the second round.

According to the weather channel app, the official sunset there is at 7:42 PM.

Website with all the scores:


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You can see the water complex was an eyeful for the horses. They were supposed to jump the water obstacle that was in the center between the two bigger pools that are visible.


That looks too trappy to me.