Look what we did!

I’m posting this in Off Course because not everyone reads the Driving subforum.

@M_al and I took a driving lesson with the cutest mini today. I have missed driving so much but had some PTSD due to my last drive with my pony ended in getting hit by a car. It’s been seven years, but it felt like I’d just done it yesterday, without the fear.

Huge thanks to M_al for arranging this! I feel like myself again. I’m not sure who it was, but it wasn’t me.



This is wonderful. Good for you!


You know how I feel about this :grin:! We need more videos next time!


Yay! That’s so interesting, I was thinking about you today and how you like to drive CARS and here you were driving a cart! I’m so glad to see this and I understand what you mean about feeling like yourself, the whole big picture of doing that is part of you!


There is a lot more video. I just suck at getting it from Point A to Point B. Maybe @M_al will take pity on me and post more of them. And I’ll post my stills of her if it’s OK with her.



There’s not much I don’t like to drive. I always say I need either a huge amount of horsepower, or just one HP. But I was never as good of a boat handler as DH, so I always let him drive the boats.

I’ve been telling DH for months that I’m buying a locomotive and expecting delivery any day now. Every time we hear a train whistle, I tell him “Oh, there it is!” I almost talked a train engineer into letting me drive once, but then sanity took over (for him) and he wouldn’t let me. I also had our well driller persuaded to teach me how to run the backhoe, but he ran out of time. My neighbor did let me drive his big diesel tractor and use it to drill holes for fence posts. That was fun!



We’re a lot the same! I love to ride a big horse, fast car or big truck, run a tractor/equip, there’s something about all that power! For myself I’m short and not athletic, I get to borrow power!


Very happy for you, Rebecca, getting back in the driver’s seat. And that mini is about as cute as they come.

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That’s exactly how I felt about my ponies–I got to borrow power. I told them if they would be my legs, I’d give them a home for life. Of course, I would have given them a home for life anyway, but that seemed to capture my feelings about it.

I promised myself I’d drive an 18 wheeler someday, but I don’t think that one is going to happen. I had an opportunity–an old boyfriend became a trucker and came through my area frequently. But seeing him would cause complications because he never let go of the relationship, so when he called I was always “busy.”



:blush: Come over to the Small But Mighty side!
Nobody tells minis they aren’t 18h


My Hackney pony was convinced he was huge and invincible. All geldings and stallions were competition and must be challenged to a fight; all mares were girlfriend material. He was annoyed when other horses didn’t take him seriously.



My DH drives a snowplow and I get to go with him sometimes, he always asks me if I want to try it (off the books). I’m going to do it this winter and report back to you!


I got to run the excavator and smash an old outbuilding on our property. Most fun ever


You guys look great!!! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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Don’t forget to push snow back onto people’s painstakingly shoveled driveways :persevere:
JK! Have fun :wink:

@RMJacobs :rofl:
My Hackney Pony is 2nd in Command to the horse. At least in his mind :smirk:
But when I feed them in their adjoining stalls, he makes uglyface threats, kicks the wall between them :expressionless:
My neighbor (who bred Hackneys for years) saw this & commented:
“Hackneys hate everyone” :laughing:


So fun! I am happy for you.

I was thinking last night after my ride how wonderful to have a creature so willing and helpful to become my legs. I even use her (mane or neck to help me dismount from my large dismounting rock. Then I thank her profusely.



That is so cute! Glad you had fun :slight_smile:

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Aww…so cute, and looks like so much fun! Congrats. The first “ride” is over, and now it’s all fun.

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My Hackney pony was a problem with other horses, but he was a cuddlebug with humans. I never met another horse or pony that was as cuddly. So I could forgive him for having problems getting along with other horses as long as he came running to greet me when I got home from work.



More pics of Rebecca. If I’d been thinking, I would have gotten way more pics of us posing with this squee-worthy little guy!
