Looking for before/after photos of 'corrected underrun heels'

Originally Posted by webmistress32:

“I have unfortunately learned tonight that blocked users are not blocked when the posts show up on the midnight email.
jealous? you indulge and flatter yourself.
I’ll be at Horse Days and enjoy tripping you and poking you in the a@@ with something sharp and pointy when you are not looking.
that’s really all you deserve.”

This post has bothered me all day.
Any threat of physical violence from one poster to another should be taken seriously by the mods. Allowing this post, and this poster to remain is not right. I would not be happy if this was directed at me.

I’d say anyone who threatens a farrier should be banned from Horse Days also. There are a lot of Signal 24’s out there in the world.

I’d show this thread to the organizers of Horse Days.

We’ve removed an inappropriate post and it’s responses and are addressing it with the poster. A reminder to others that we may not be aware of an inappropriate post until we receive an alert about and that the moderation staff is not online 24-7.

A final reminder to avoid the personal commentary.

Mod 1

It must be a Chrismukkah miracle! :wink: The foot does indeed look improved, despite the horse having DSLD.

I’ve noticed on my horse that taking out the quarters does help with heels that want to crush and run under. Otherwise when the quarters flare the heels seem more likely to be pulled forward too.

[QUOTE=grayarabs;5769151]Will throw in this photo just for fun - although it is not funny. If there is a logical explanation would love to hear it:

http://www.lathamdvm.com/articles/hoof_care/010.jpg captioned shoe too small.[/QUOTE]

I don’t think there is a logical explanation for that foot.

Really old thread, fun to re-read it. I did track down the banned user at the event at Horse Days. Guess what he did when I introduced myself and very chummily complimented his lovely Aussie Shepard? Yes that’s right, he ran away. Tail between his legs and ran away. Because that’s the kind of person he is and that’s how committed he is to his positions and his tough guy persona. I was one of the presenters at Horse Days … and I made no physical threat. I don’t have a great sense of humor and maybe my joke was flat but that’s all it was.

Wow. 9 years later and you haven’t let it go. You have a very different concept of “fun” than I do. Just saying… :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


enjoying and remembering what kind of person this guy turned out be after his years of tormenting people on the forum and then witnessing his banning can be summed up in one word: Schadenfreude

relish it I will!

I tried to follow the thread, but I’m lost. I can only assume you were the OP? (LMH?) With an alter (webmistress)?