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Lost my horse of 28 years - Sad update and good news

My heart breaks for you.

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Iā€™m so sorry for your loss. He was fortunate to have you as his person. ((hugs))

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I am so sorry for your loss. I lost my 26 year old boy in September 2018 who I had since he was 8 months old. I miss him every day. Most times the best decisions we can make for them are the ones that hurt us the most.


Iā€™m so sorry you lost your boy. i think i know the feelingā€¦Itā€™s like the very air you breathe doesnā€™t satisfy your lungs. Everything you see reminds you of him and makes you hurt all over again. And you cannot get your mental vision off of the sight of his dying. The degree of pain is only a mere shadow of your great love for him. In time, you will remember the good and will feel something other than stabbing pain. I tend to break up my life in: The time of Sassy. The time of Dutch. The time of Rock. Like episodesā€¦like chapters.


You did what was Right for him.
I am sending {{HUGS}}, BTDT for 4 of the 6 Iā€™ve owned.
Not colic, but emergencies that had no other choice for 2 & no good prognosis for the others.
It does not get any easier, even knowing thereā€™s no other way.

Agree with @ThreeWishes, talking about him can help.
Hold on to the Good Times.


I am so sorry. Godspeed dear horse.


So sorry for your loss. Itā€™s never easy. Rest assured you did what was right for him, even if it was a difficult things. Hugs.


So sorryā€¦

The worst. Absolutely the worst. You did the right thing, and Iā€™m so sorry.

You have my deepest sympathy. Loss is always so excruciatingly painful - emotionally and sometimes physically as well. Take care of yourself. Reach out to loved ones who understand your love for this horse and. . . . I have to believe he is waiting for you at the Rainbow Bridge.

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So sorry for your loss Dinah. You did right by him by putting his needs before your own. Sending you virtual hugs!

I am so sorry for your loss.

I ma so, so sorry for your loss.

What a lucky guy to have had one great owner his entire life, never wanting for anything. My condolences. Godspeed, fella.

My sincerest condolences. Itā€™s seeing through these end of life decisions that makes us a true partner to our beloved horses. Many hugs to you.

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Thanks for all the sympathies and well wishes. I am more able to dwell on all the wonderful memories as the shock has dissipated. I know I did the right thing. And I did nothing to cause it, time just caught up with us. I am really glad I got to spend every day of the past 5 months with him, and we had a nice last ride the day before.
My older sister has stopped riding, so a mare she bred has just been standing around. I talked to the trainer who assured she just needs restarting and has a wonderful temperament. She will be shipped out to me. Best of both worlds: She needs a home and a job, and I need a horse.
Although I always swore I would get a 14h pony next after decades of me, at 5 feet, using everything imaginable to get on 16 hands!!!


Many condolences and sorry for your loss. My boy Dax, too, was born spring of 1992. We are lucky we have been blessed to have them in our lives as long as we have! I hope you remember all of the good times and love you shared. I know you did the best for him.

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I have been shopping for a year for a 14.22h pony for Dressage. Couldnā€™t find one. Purchased an amazing 16.1hh Oldenburg just two weeks ago. I am enjoying getting to know him. You will enjoy the new relationships you make along the way! good luck.

I am so sorry for your loss and the pain your are feeling. But remember you gave him 28 great years of life and you didnā€™t let him suffer. A horse canā€™t ask for more. Remember the good times you two had together and pat yourself on the back for having given 28 great years to a horse and a great retirement home. Iā€™m so sorry.

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That sounds like a great match for everybody!

Treat yourself to a 3-step mounting block!!!

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