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Low NSC Ration Balancer_Buckeye Feed?

I’m looking for a really low NSC ration balancer. I’m fairly certain someone posted about Buckeye coming out w one, but I cannot find the post. Does anyone (perhaps @JB) know of something new on the horizon? Thank you!

This one has 10% . Don’t have any experience feeding Tribute myself.


I do feed Purina Enrich Senior RB which is 13%. My horses do well.

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I feed Buckeye Grow ‘N Win ration balancer. It is 13 percent NSC.


I’m familiar w those…and we currently feed Gro N Win. I swear I saw something about a new feed coming out from Buckeye that was 8.5 NSC. I tried calling Buckeye but could only leave a message. I’ll report back if someone calls me.
Oh…thank you for the ideas!

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Actually, I wasn’t familiar with the Seniority feed. Thank you!

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Buckeye has a new ration balancer called Low N Steady with an NSC of 8.5% but all I’ve seen so far are “coming soon” ads. It’s on their Facebook page on March 15 and that’s the most recent post I can find.


What’s your definition of low?

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That’s it! Low N Steady…thank you @Alibhai_s_Alibar! @JB, as low as possible. I have one that will eat Unbeetable w Vermont Blend, and one that won’t. I’m trying to find something he will eat reliably that would be easy for someone filling in for me,


Just be careful that your horse doesn’t choke on it. I’ve had a couple chokes (none that didn’t resolve without vet treatment) but enough that I make sure to add water to their feed before feeding.

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Tribute Seniority Low NSC is not a ration balancer


Blue Bonnet Limited is very low nsc and is also soy free



Why? You only feed a small quntity of ration balancer, so even with a higher percentage, the actual amount of starches and sugars is very small.

I know and understand that. I’m being as careful as I can w this particular horse who has genetics stacked against him.

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Oops. Well I just googled low NSC feed and I guess I thought it was a RB. It is low NSC though if someone else wants to feed several pounds of feed at a time.

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I appreciated the effort.

Triple Crown 30% Ration Balancer is 11.10% NSC. Not sure if that meets the definition of really low, but it’s under 12%, which is the vet prescribed threshold for my PSSM horse.


I just learned through Buckeye Nutrition their new Low N Steady is available on Chewy. The NSC is 8.5%. I searched using Buckeye Nutrition to find it.

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I’ve had three chokes on buckeye gro n win! All foals. I never feed it dry anymore.

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Are you going to give it a try? Protein is quite a bit lower than the RB’s I have used.

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I haven’t decided. I just bought Standlee’s Gastro (I forget the second word) Care (?) and my horses LOVE it. It has an odd smell, which I thought would put them off but instead, it covers up the scent of vit/mineral/InsulinWise and they eat it. So I may stick w that.