If you read carefully and quote the entire post you would understand what I was saying and that I wasn’t changing the subject “to make myself right”.
No horse that I have owned has bucked as a result as a spook or an insect sting. They’ve flinched, or kicked out, or spooked, because they were startled.
Bucking isn’t the go to reaction for most horses. In my experience, a spook or an insect bite isn’t a situation where “any horse would buck at any moment.”
Bucking is more likely to be a response from a youngster, due to the newness of having a rider on its back (even after the obvious groundwork in preparation for being ridden.) When combined with an outside stressor, a youngster will be more inclined to buck than a horse that has had some mileage.
Mine spooked, but didn’t buck, ever. That was their nature. Other horses may react differently and a trainer of young stock who charges people to back their horses needs to be capable of dealing with that behavior.
Back to the subject of the thread. Quoting @blue_heron “She tries to come off as grounded but instead just seems out of touch. I don’t think she realizes how her blogs sound, based on her response to some reasonable critique she’s gotten on Facebook. She’s had so many opportunities and a LOT of financial support. I’m sure there’s a lot of things she doesn’t share but she seems to have struggled a lot less than many many other trainers out there who aren’t writing “woe is me” blogs about how US breeders are the future and then buying horses from Europe when the US breeders aren’t gifting her horses.”
Sprieser’s blog reminds me of another COTH blog that didn’t sit well upon reflection. Catherine Haddad’s was worse for the ego and tone deafness, but both show some sort of disconnect.
The blog: https://www.chronofhorse.com/article/train-trainers/?_gl=1*ehvzk4*_ga*MTE1MTc2OTE1OC4xNzIxMDc2NTQ0*_ga_3Q593VP376*MTcyMTA3NjU0My4xLjEuMTcyMTA5NzY2Mi4wLjAuMA…