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Maiden mare at 346 days.

Maiden mare

Hey everyone. I’m looking for a little help with my maiden mare. She is 19 years old. She was not suppose to get pregnant. The people down the road from me had a stallion. He came onto my land and broke my horses out. Long story short she is prego. Well we don’t know exactly what day. She would be between 342 days and 368 days. We are not 100% sure except it is between there. She is not showing any signs of labor. She isn’t bagging up and she has not elongated. She is a little soft but not major. I am wondering if there is any way to know if she will show signs or not.

My mare held out one full month, came out for the morning check - big filly already wobbling around and dry. She did the same thing with her second foal for me. Two big filly’s :slight_smile: Good luck hope you have a beautiful foal:)

Hey everyone. I’m looking for a little help with my maiden mare. She is 19 years old. She was not suppose to get pregnant. The people down the road from me had a stallion. He came onto my land and broke my horses out. Long story short she is prego. Well we don’t know exactly what day. She would be between 342 days and 368 days. We are not 100% sure except it is between there. She is not showing any signs of labor. She isn’t bagging up and she has not elongated. She is a little soft but not major. I am wondering if there is any way to know if she will show signs or not.[/QUOTE]
You might have better luck starting a new thread :slight_smile: (now I should check to see if you already did lol).

How is it not known what day she would be? You know the day the stallion got in there, right? With a leeway of a couple days - not weeks - you should now how many days it’s been.

Did you have a vet out to confirm, or deny, pregnancy at any point?

If she is even pregnant, she’s still in the normal range, which is up to about 370 days.