Man..this felt good…

6 weeks to the day since hip replacement. Sunshine, groomed arena and a cooperative pony.
Pain free to boot! Mostly walk with a little lateral work and about 5 minutes of trot in little spurts. The silver old ladies have to get back in shape :wink:.



What an inviting view! Glad you’re back in the saddle :cowboy_hat_face:

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Awesome !!! :clap:

WAHOO!!! What an amazing feeling that is, isn’t it? :heart_eyes:

Wow. You GO, girl!!!

Good to see! Best view in the world!

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Yes…it is good. Outerbanks77 tuned her up for me last night so I figured she would be good on a nice warm day. She also got lunged on Monday and Tuesday. I picked a good 6 weeks to be off of her as our weather was crap up until the last few days. I rode up until surgery but it was painful but I was too stupid to stay off of her. As long as I could get on….

I was amazed how not painful I was today. I had an anterior approach and my thigh is still various degrees of numb and sore and ‘zappy’ (as nerves regenerate) but it all felt very good in the saddle. I took some prophylactic ibuprofen when I got home. I had dinner and now I am going for a short walk to finish off the day.


Those ears! My Morgans don’t have ears like that, just big ol’ mare ears.



That’s wonderful! The view and the update both. Horses are medicinal, I swear.

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I’m facing a hip replacement in the not too distant future. I hope it gets me back in the saddle as well, it’s been too long. Very happy for you!

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@ Calvincrowe yes. I believe they are. The Dr queried whether she bucked or spooked. I said no to both although spooking is not out of the question at all. In her younger years she could flat out teleport and of course I didn’t transfer with her :flushed:. If she does it now, they are usually quite mild.

@Spudsmyguy jingling good luck. This was my second one…I now have a matched set. They look nice on x-ray. Both have been a godsend. I didn’t think this one was as bad as the other one but now that I am on the other side what a difference! Not necessarily even pain wise but in range of motion. I was way stiffer than I thought I was.


Congratulations on a successful procedure and a return to the saddle!!

I have intense pain at times in my knee which is from the hip being ready to go. I have trouble lifting that leg so makes getting in and out of my truck an ordeal. My leg and knee start to ache if I do too much walking so hiking is out of the question. I got on a horse for about 5 minutes a year ago and had to get off because it hurt too much. From that little walking around I did, I was laid up and gimping around for at least the next 24 hours. Docs found bone spurs and bone on bone arthritis in my hip so hoping this will give me a new lease on life.

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With my first one I had to quit riding. I could not get my leg high enough to get over the cantle of the saddle. I couldn’t change the side I was mounting due to a foot issue. If I could get on it was just too painful to continue. The current reconstructed hip has had tendon issues for 3 years. I am sure the tendon issues hastened the arthritis. It was deemed mild only 2 years ago. I am still not sure how the tendons fared from the surgery. None of the surgeons I saw wanted to repair them at the time of the replacement…even the sports medicine said no to repairing them at all (at my age :face_with_raised_eyebrow:).

The lateral hip is still sore and swollen. I am hoping fixing the hip stabilizes that issue. Up until the arthritis got bad, the tendon issue wasn’t bothered by riding. Position in the saddle actually takes the strain off of them. So we will see but the arthritis was definitely a major player in the pain and stiffness.

Again. Good luck but I think you will be very happy. Not being able to do what you like and move and exercise sucks.


I had rotator cuff surgery six weeks ago and have another six weeks before I can ride. Longest time off a horse since expecting my middle son, thirty-two years ago. It is driving me crazy!

So happy for you and your successful surgery.

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Hip replacements seem to go really well for most people, my dad was jealous of his roommates after his knee replacement when they were basically dancing on out.

Good for you, Kyrabee! You must feel so much better :slight_smile:


Ride #2 was today. So nice to be able to sit ‘in’ the saddle. Prior, due to the limited range of motion, I felt like a clothes pin that was never quite seated…ready to pop out of the saddle all the time.

Added just a bit of canter today…it went well.


I’m so happy for you! Glad you are able to enjoy riding again.

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