Maria Borrel horse neglect

The fact that Maria Borrel is still out and about is beyond disgusting. I guess it goes to show her true character and just how little she really cares about those poor horses. I hope she NEVER gets another job in the horse industry. Ever…

I’m amazed by the number of people I know who said that Maria had called them personally to ask about their TB’s for sale or farms to lease. She must have been cold calling everybody and their dog.

When they find her, I hope she gets the same punishment that she inflicted on the animals that were supposedly in her care. No food, water, etc. Let’s see how long she lasts.

In researching quite a few of the horses listed; many are listed online as “owned By” Beacon Hill Farm LLC. Who is this? One of them is listed as bred/owned by Borrel’s.

Beacon Hill Farm apparently buys and sells horses and apparently had a facebook page; now defunct? There are some pictures of these horses at a different time appearing online under Beacon Hill

Several of the mares appear to be bred just by viewing photos and many of them to be very nice to look at.

Very sad. Hope they all end up in good hands.

Charles Borell Offered Plea Deal In Case Of 43 Abandoned Horses

Charles Borell has been offered a plea deal on 43 counts of animal cruelty related to abandoned horses found on a Mercer County, Ky. farm. According to the Lexington Herald-Leader, details of the plea were not disclosed by Mercer County Attorney Ted Dean following a pretrial conference held Thursday.

Borell did not attend the conference.

If Borell does not take the plea deal at a hearing on Sept. 29, a trial date will be scheduled. He is free on $4,300 bond.

Larry Catlett, attorney for Borell, declined to comment on the case to reporters but did acknowledge he has received 740 pages of evidence and a thumb drive with photographs of the abandoned horses, many of which were Thoroughbreds, from Mercer County.

An arrest warrant remains active for former Runhappy trainer Maria Borell on 43 counts of animal cruelty, but she is believed to be out-of-state, and cannot be extradited back to Kentucky on misdemeanor charges. One local television news report earlier this year even suggested she may have left the country.

The horses, who were largely cared for by volunteers and donated funds for weeks during the investigation this summer, have all been moved to 14 different facilities to receive care and treatment while officials await a conclusion to the case. All, including the six horses moved to the Blackburn Correctional Center (which included two of the horses with the worst body condition scores), are gaining weight and regaining alertness.

Well, I certainly hope that these horses can all find soft landings with those who will care for them…this stuff gets so ridiculous, and the horses are the ones who pay…

Read a lot on internet.

Yet another interesting story about Borrel’s further transgressions.

The unfortunate part is that she will most likely need to be arrested in the state with the outstanding warrant (x 3 or however many states there are).

I know the crimes are outrageous to us but in the criminal justice system, they are not so much. As noted, her crimes in KY are not extraditable across state lines and my guess (no, I don’t know) that will also be true in NY and FL. Means if she is actually caught in some other state, probably nothing will happen :frowning:

Court Rules Borells Have No Claim To Mercer County Horses, Animals Released For Adoption
| 10.20.2016 | 5:20pm

Charles and Maria Borell no longer have legal claim to the 43 horses found abandoned at a Mercer County, Ky. farm they leased, according to a circuit court ruling this week.

Mercer County Circuit Court Judge Darren Peckler ruled that 36 of the abandoned horses can now be adopted out to permanent homes, ending a months-long limbo that left volunteers, private donors, non-profits, and the state department of agriculture holding the bag for the horses’ care.

People came forward with proof of ownership for six of the 43 horses. One was euthanized due to neurological issues.

Charles Borell, who entered an Alford plea in charges associated with the case last month, had already relinquished his ownership of the remaining horses. According to the Daily Racing Form, the ruling primarily applies to Maria Borell.

Maggi Moss posted Maria’s newest location in New York yesterday. She said she is involved with horses again and has a new “sugar daddy” . ??

USEF just suspended her.…elty-warrants/

She has 43 counts of animal cruelty against her, but “All 43 counts are misdemeanors, and Borell cannot be extradited from another state on misdemeanor charges. So far, she has not returned to Kentucky to face those charges.”


That is disgusting! Even worse is the number of felons that are allowed to walk free because the state is unwilling to extradite them. Robbers, rapists and violent criminals are all walking around freely because the states don’t want to extradite them.

What would be your proposed solution to this problem?

As the article stated, extradition isn’t always a simple process based on the individual state’s law.

Some crimes may be classed as a misdemeanor by the state, which isn’t extraditable, although the FBI classes the crime as a felony.

I understand the reluctance of some of the cases where extradition costs the state money to go get the accused with the extraditable warrant and then prosecute the accused. It’s not like the state who detained the accused with the warrant can put the accused on a bus and hope they stay on the bus to where the agency with the warrant is :); someone has to go pick them up and transport them back; I’ve been on commercial flights where someone with a jacket over their cuffs is accompanied by two people all on the same flight. If the case is weak, that is all money that the taxpayer bears (the cost of the extradition plus the cost of the trial with a likely ‘not guilty’ verdict).

I agree that there are definitely times where a state/agency should extradite and bear the cost… but other times… maybe not.

I’ve read all. Not commenting because I seem to be a “thread killer.”
Carry on - I still read and learn.

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How about this? How is she getting away with this? Who has that kind of juice?


This is beyond outrageous. They are going to let her off. I’m sick.
A friend helped with these horses in 2016. I’ll try to attach a picture of poor Z Camelot.


I think we all knew that would be the most likely outcome, especially in KY where animal welfare doesn’t exist. Sad but predictable

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How can they just dsmiss all these charges? This criminal should be held accountable and never be able to train another horse. Is Kentucky really that bad when it comes to horse welfare?


I’m with you- I do not get how they can just walk away fro this. Do they think that because it has been some time, no one will care? Wrong!


LaurieB you’re down there. What is this?