My 3yo began showing signs of EPM about 2 months ago when his left hind leg became weaker than his right and developed a more exaggerated rotation than his right. So to be clear, his left hind leg regressed. His titer came back as 1:2000 so vet recommended Rebalance which we did for 6 weeks per vet. He got a little better and that leg is more stable but I’m worried he needs more treatment even though vet said we could stop. His trainer thinks he’s improved but I was long lining him and the difference in musculature is still apparent left vs right hind.
My biggest issue with Rebalance was my vet saying no food 1 hour before and after dosing. I board him but don’t trust the staff with something as serious as this (and for reason if you subscribe to the belief past behavior is the best indicator of future behavior). However, I simply cannot keep going back and forth to the barn as I work full time.
My schedule looks like this while on Rebalance although times are approximate. Note there is no WiFi at the barn and my cell service is too poor to hotspot:
8AM (earliest boarders can be at barn): Arrive at barn, catch him from pasture and put in stall. Feed barn cats because why not. Check no hay leftover from prior dinner. Set timer for 1 hour
8:20: Arrive at home. Feed my cats, log on and try to do some work.
9:30: Arrive at barn to medicate. Set timer for 1 hour.
9:45: Back at home for meetings/work
10:50: Arrive at barn to feed hay + grain + vitamin E supplement. Very hungry boy.
11:15: Arrive at home to work.
I did this for 6 weeks and people start pinging me around 8:30. I’m an accountant so I need the internet to access all of my files, etc. I tried setting up an arrangement where I could not attend meetings before 12 but my boss kept forgetting and the CFO doesn’t check calendars so blocking off time just wasn’t working.
Would Marquis be something worth looking into? I just can’t maintain this schedule with my work responsibilities. It may not look like much, but it is extremely disruptive. And that’s even if he still needs treatment…our area is flat, flat, flat so no hillwork and I’ve tried stressing to his trainer, whom I adore, to add more pole work in his routine. I’ve also considered getting an Equiband. He’s three so he only works under saddle 2x per week and sometimes I’ll long line so maybe 3x per week of work. I just need that left leg to catch back up to his right