Mb civil suit rulings 11/15/2022

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As for legal updates, the next anticipated actions are the updated response to the amended claims from Nagel and possibly new motions for if/when JK, KK, and LK refuse to again cooperate with the updated subpoenas and new deposition date. Check the title for updates before clicking into the thread.


I am thinking that not many national shows are going to pay a medical professional to be on site to manage the specimen collections. And if the tests arenā€™t administered by a trained/licensed medical professional, it could make it much easier to challenge the results.

Deininger just filed the amended answer and counter complaint.

Oh for gods sake, I said I havenā€™t gone back and read ALL the threads from the beginning (and many have pointed out they have been heavily edited anyway and therefore arenā€™t all that helpful), I watched some of the trial, and I havenā€™t watched 48 Hours. To imply that I have no right to post here is ridiculous.

If you donā€™t like what I post, donā€™t comment on it. It shouldnā€™t be that difficult.


Oh, I wish!

The best I can come up with is this, from the amended answer. Now, the statement of damages doesnā€™t have to be filed with the court, just provided to the defendant. But, if itā€™s not, we may see some filings re: that soon.


Actually I was pointing out that it was an actual criminal defense lawyer on the YT clip I posted was saying there was no evidence for having charged on RG in response to CH arguing with Kittyā€™s CotH post to the same effect.

To the best of my knowledge, none of our CotH lawyers has said they were criminal defense lawyers.

ETA: So CHā€™s indignant posturing is really funny. I guess it was evidence they didnā€™t go look at the clip.


This doesnā€™t make sense.


They also said the prosecutor dropped the ball. One way was by overcharging MB with regards to RG. I did not hear any other ways mentioned.


Ack! My apologies. That is what I get for typing while distracted.

A peace offering - reindeer calves!:

Screen Shot 2022-11-30 at 1.41.58 PM


The FEI can test athletes out of competition as well. Itā€™s right there in the rule book, clear as can be.

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Butā€¦ butā€¦ butā€¦

I just watched Rudolph on TV last night. He did not look anything like that.:woman_shrugging:


They look like they are ready to play some reindeer games


The white ones are Russian reindeer. Rudolph is part American, part Canadian ay


Credit: Gears Magazine

Iā€™ll let you choose the filling.


Youā€™re right that I didnā€™t waste time listening to your YT clip.

MB was indicted by a grand jury on all the charges, correct? So your YT criminal defense lawyer is saying that the grand jury issued an indictment regarding attempted murder of RG based on ā€œno evidenceā€? I trust the grand jury system more than I trust your YT criminal defense lawyer.

His real friends were/are posting on FB and donated money to his GF page. If you want to know who they are go to the GF page and scroll through.


A Grand Jury only sees a one sided argument from the Prosecutor alone. Then they indict or the donā€™t. Being indicted in no way assigns guilt. It doesnā€™t measure guilt. The prosecutor usually wins on the indictment unless he drops dead or something.


Thanks all. Mission accomplished

To clarify, Iā€™m not implying anything about who can post, or what they can post. Iā€™m just tired of reading it. But I do want to keep up to date on this thread, and I value others posts.


The grand jury procedure is very one-sided and there is an old saying, I believe quoted here before, probably by @ekat, ā€œThe Grand Jury would indict a ham sandwich.ā€ or maybe it was a hamburgerā€¦


Did the elf dentist actually go to dental school or did he just read that book? He was doing dental extractions at the end. Is he licensed to do that?