Mb civil suit rulings 11/15/2022

I think this particular poster wants to be a contrarian.


[Edit] what a callous, sick response.


Ghazzuā€™s statement was not made in good faith; make a silly statement, get a silly response.

It was well established yesterday that my personal experience with a family memberā€™s continuous stays in mental health hospitals is not consistent with what many here believe to be true about admissions to mental hospitals, and that is fine. Thereā€™s really no need to belabor the point any longer.


You have zero room to speak to anyone here about ā€œgood faithā€

Iā€™ll also fix this for you because you did not make this statement in good faith:

ā€œIt was well established yesterday that my personal experience with a family memberā€™s continuous stays in mental health hospitals is not consistent with what many here have actually experienced re admissions to mental hospitals, and that is fine. Thereā€™s really no need to belabor the point any longer.ā€


As an international competitor with the likelihood of being tested (you as well as your horse), why would you want to take the risk of a drug abuser potentially lacing food (yours or your horseā€™s)ā€¦especially since those abusers had an axe to grind.

Furthermore, they are running a business and minors were on the property. No way in hell would I want to take a risk with drug addicts on my property nor would I want to ride/board with drug addicts on the premises.


It seems no one here cares if eggbutt is talking to LO or has talked to MHG, other than Currentlyhorseless. Are LO or MHG supposed to speak to no one, or to know no one in the horse world? Two people employeed in some way by it, especially? A lot of people have talked to LO about the case and will continue to in their support for LO and MB. Interesting LK doesnā€™t have a GFM, IMO. Anyways, MHG has moved on to greater horizons, but many people know her in the horse world and believe her to be a class act. Myself included. What kind of people would stop talking to LO or MHG because of this incident? They arenā€™t LK - certainly donā€™t have LKā€™s reputation.

BTW- does anyone know of anything commendable that LK has done in her past? Any incidents of good deeds? Anything that can speak for her character? Iā€™d love to know she has at least one redeeming quality.

Anyways. I do get some amusement out of what certain posters have a problem with - a problem with speaking to LO or MHG, a problem with the NGRI verdict, a problem with the possibility of jury nullification, a problem accepting that the general response to this case by the public was extremely negative and in opposite of LK. Too bad certain things sit so poorly with certain individuals. Poor things.

As far as jury nullification - sure, I bet it would be impossible for jurors to be conflicted regarding a NGRI vs. NG verdict, and that they compromised with NGRI after seeing an unhinged man at trial for two weeks. /end sarcasm.

I also think itā€™s hilarious anytime someone suggest that COTH users are the ones behind all the YT, L&C, FB, and 48 Hours comments. How many of us post on these forums consistently? Not many. How many YT, FB, L&C, 48 Hours posts were there? Thousands. But sure, itā€™s a handful of us sitting here, dominating the internet at MBā€™s command - the commander of the internet. For those struggling with reading comprehension, Iā€™m being sarcastic.

Reality must be awfully hard to accept for some.

Edited spelling and pic format


Werenā€™t the three eventers suspended in the somewhat recent past at a USEF event?


Ahh, changing the story a little? Yesterday it was implied there was a single admission. Now youā€™re claiming multiple stays. Thatā€™s different context.


Yes, because what youā€™ve heard from your friendā€™s brotherā€™s cousinā€™s cat is always reliable.


I havenā€™t changed my story at all; see my post from YESTERDAY:

I also find this hilarious. Iā€™m sure there are some COTH members posting in other platforms, but I think that number is quite small. I donā€™t know why some think itā€™s a huge COTHspiracy out there. Itā€™s entirely possible that many members of the public really do share opinions with some COTH members and there have been no prior interactions.

I donā€™t know why this is a hard concept to grasp. LK does herself zero favors and people pick up on her character.


Good. Thank you.


Please at least try to read for comprehension. It was a family member. As in ONE person, who is a family member.

Cats are family members.


Letā€™s not forget the testimony at the trial that LK kept trying to feed treats to RCā€™s horse, even though she had been told not to do so. And that horse was supposed to go to a show in the near future with MHG, I believe.


COTH users internet command center for pro MB postings


There is really no need to attack me simply because my experience is different than any of yours. Iā€™m not engaging with anyone on the topic of my experience with mental hospitals anymore. Some of you are really over the top disgusting with the way you are speaking to me about it.


I had some recent family turmoil with my family member, Ms. Kitty, who started howling for HOURS everyday after I became pregnant. I was so desperate that I started to vacuum and maybe chase her around the house a bit when she started to do it. We have since come to a compromise and the family dynamic is much better again.


Didnā€™t you try up the thread to say MB stated many times he asked LK to leave? When in reality on 48 hours he stated ā€œhe asked them to leave many, many timesā€.

I will concede I missed where you said there were multiple admissions. It still doesnā€™t change the fact that there is a shortage of psych beds in the US and many, many people suffer because of it. Im glad your family member didnā€™t experience that.