Mb civil suit rulings 11/15/2022

I always wonder what all the events were that trickled in and convinced RC to sleep on a mattress in front of her horse’s stall. I think we all love our horses enough to do the same if warranted but damn, what warranted that? Had to be something serious.


You guys are cracking me up! :rofl:


I don’t know the exact numbers involved, but I’m guessing that this BB represents a pretty darn small group of people compared to the number of YouTube commenters on those threads. And the number of people commenting on these MB threads is an even smaller subset.

So unless all the people posting on this thread are spending all day, every day, formulating YouTube comments under different names, I don’t think they could get that much content out there.




I had no idea so many of us were men! Lol.


Oh, please. No one is attacking you, give those pearls a break. They are questioning the consistency of your story and how much one can really know about a process who didn’t even experience it for themselves. There are people here much more familiar with the process than you, but you are free to believe whatever it is you wish, even if it is wrong.

You’re also crazy to believe you are the only one who has had a very mentally ill family member, or has not been significantly mentally ill themselves. Your experience is not unique.


Yes, indeed.

As I think I said on previous threads, I have spent the night in front of a few stalls in my day. But always because of a veterinary issue with the horse, not a human issue.


Here in Ontario, a national dressage show was told to conduct rider testing not long after cannabis became legalized in Canada. There was a sudden and dramatic number of scratches that day once word got around that drug testers were on site :rofl::rofl:


My gosh, I love this thread. Haven’t laughed so much in ages. Off to make enchiladas.

  1. Anyone can go back to yesterday’s posts and see that I have not changed my story. There is no need to accuse me when the proof is right here. I have been berated multiple times for not reading the entire library of threads on this topic, but you people can’t be bothered to look back 24 hours in this very thread? Stop with the hypocrisy.
  2. You have no idea what I have or have not been through regarding mental health hospitals, so stop pretending to be an expert on me.
  3. My experiences are not wrong and I have acknowledged all along that they are different than others’ experiences.
  4. Calling me crazy is against the forum rules and will get your post flagged.
  5. I have never claimed to be the only one who has had a mentally ill family member.
  6. I have shared on this very thread about my own mental health battles.
  7. I never claimed to be unique.
  8. Stop harassing me - if you don’t like my posts, ignore them.

As I recall none of the police reports indicated any officer moved any phones. I recall Bilinkas questioning if the photos of the scene were exactly as the scene was when the cops arrived and the response was affirmative. If there had been any evidence that the phones were stacked or moved after the fact, I feel certain Schellhorn would have pounded that home during the trial since he had so little forensic evidence to prove anything.

No one proved Michael Barisone brought or shot a gun at the farmhouse on 8/7/19. If there is actual evidence of such actions, prove it and shut me up!


Eric had two suspensions at two different times. I was on the Canadian Equestrian Federation board at the time of the first one and we were tasked with considering reinstating him and if so, under what conditions.


I don’t remember that from the police reports, either, although their work seemed pretty slipshod in general, so that could have extended to the way they wrote up their reports.

As I say, it just seemed like an odd thing.


My how their stories changed…and changed…and changed over time.

Is that when he supposedly turned off the video camera over the porch?


I wouldn’t say that anyone is launching an attack on you, and it’s ironic that you’re saying that you’re being attached simply because your experience is different, when you did the same to others upthread. Maybe you didn’t mean to come off that way? It seemed as though you thought others experiences to be invalid or only what they “believed to be true” which makes it sound like it wasn’t true and they just believed something, when they actually experienced it, just as you had your own experience(s).

Some might consider you to have been “over the top disgusting” but eh, here we are.

My cat joke was tasteless, but some people share my stupid sense of humor. It was more based off of someone else’s post about an uncle’s post or something of that nature. Not to insinuate that your relative is a cat… But also if they are, or you have a cat relative, no hate.


Did they have access to the police reports before the trial?

If so, I don’t understand why they wouldn’t have reviewed that material to at least try to tell a slightly similar tale on the witness stand.


And now replying to someone’s post is harassing. There is also an ignore feature and flagging option if you truly feel harassed. Just a reminder for everyone.


I do remember Jennie Brannigan got dinged for I think some ADD meds…and there were 1 or 2 others, I think

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:heart_eyes::heart_eyes: How darling! Peace offering accepted.