Mb civil suit rulings 11/15/2022

This is an excellent post. I’m almost sure I could have said similar words before I filed my complaints to SS so long ago. I suspect it was the primary reason for all the complaints filed with SS!




No one’s memory is faulty and those who shrug at the extent of the problem should reconsider (not directed at you Syrynx)

On her son’s 48th day in the ER, Cheryl got word that a bed had finally opened up at Sheppard Pratt’s neuropsychiatric unit. She rushed to the hospital to pack up Zach’s toys, DVD player and clothes.


Because of the pandemic, visits to the psychiatric hospital were difficult to arrange, with limited hours and advance notice required. Cheryl and Tim wound up talking to Zach twice in video calls.

Then, 10 days after Zach was admitted to Sheppard Pratt, Cheryl got another call. It was the doctor in charge of the neuropsychiatric unit. Zach, he told her, was dead.


From a friend who is a clinical psychologist (now in private practice, but was formerly on the staff of a state mental institution).

Some factors that could be at play here:

  1. Timeframe - it was easier in past decades to get people into mental health facilities because there were more facilities. It has not been so easy in the past 10 years or so as facilities have closed or changed their business model to deal only with substance abuse patients, and has been especially tricky during the pandemic when facilities were not only having to observe strict quarantine and social distancing guidelines but were also short-staffed.

  2. Risk - a high risk patient may get moved to the top of the list over a lower risk patient, esp. when the patient has a history of violence toward others or their own self.

  3. Hospitalization History - in some communities, a patient with a history of hospitalization for mental health issues is sort of “grandfathered in” and gets moved to the top of the wait list - and esp. if their situation/risk is considered dire.

  4. Family connections - in some areas, family standing in the community can play a role in who gets admitted sooner. For instance, the child of the mayor or local banker or trauma surgeon or judge or high school principal may get priority over the child of a day laborer who is new to the community. This is usually dependent on how acute the situation/risk is. (And yes, it can be considered unfair and I am not condoning it, but according to my friend, it does happen.)




I know that he had two positives, and the second was after he had already been suspended for the first, and remember the sh*t storm that followed.

Quotes on this platform do not work right if there is any text on the line with the start quote and end quote, The letter I is on the start quote line, that is why your quote is not working… In case you wondered.
It is a weird feature…very weird.


Thanks for the info. I fixed it.

I knew that this had been discussed before, but I couldn’t remember exactly why the quotes did this.


There is still a story that needs to be investigated here IMO. Taylor was obviously pissed at the verdict of the criminal trial. He obviously showed unprofessional behavior as a judge during the trial (calling RC “hon”, talking golf with Mr casual ED while on the stand, and waving and smiling at KK in the gallery) and disregarded all guidelines during the Krol hearings and punitively applied a six months hearing date. Was he influenced by unethical letters received from LK and JK?? His comments to Michael Barisone during the Krol hearing were completely disgusting and disturbing. Since the reports by experts that Taylor ignored at the Krol hearing, there have been at least 3, 4 or more experts reporting Michael Barisone is not a threat to himself or society. Why isn’t he being given an immediate hearing to present those reports in a judicial setting?

Let’s see what happens next. As I mentioned several days ago, the Judicial Complaint Committee met a few weeks ago. We haven’t received word of what was decided about the complaints against Taylor. I wonder if Taylor has??


I posted the time stamp from the 48 Hours episode a few days ago to prove another poster’s misinterpretation of Michael saying he took the gun from the safe. I believe it is near minute mark 45, but I could be confused right now and I’m not going to search for it. Michael’s response to whether LK had been ask to leave was coupled in that video snippet. Yep, Michael Barisone himself, stating whether he told LK to leave his property!!!


I think this is amazing advice and I am glad you posted it.
Lots of people have posted that their experiences are different than what you say your family member has had, and you have told them they are not being genuine and that they do not know what they are talking about.


I didn’t realize he waved to KK at the trial. I hope the jury didn’t see that.


They were tested by the FEI at an FEI 3* in Ocala Florida.

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Ok. So not usef. Sorry.

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I really think re mental health and being able to be checked into inpatient treatment, it just depends on timing and your location. You might be able to walk right in one day and be admitted, but perhaps just a few weeks earlier that wouldn’t have been possible.

Or some areas are constantly suffering from overcrowding in their facilities more than others.

So I can totally see it going any way, really, just depends on the circumstances and availability, which clearly isn’t the same in all locations at all times.


You’re making Rosie yawn


I didn’t think Ghazzu was being genuine with regards to her post and I said so. I have not said anything remotely similar to anyone else regarding mental hospitals.

Is that Rosie? I thought she was a different color.


I’ve reported LK to safesport, does that mean I tried to ruin her ability to compete at the FEI level?