Mb civil suit rulings 11/15/2022

You are kidding, right? You think that post wasn’t conveying genuine information? How about going back and looking at the links Ghazzu posted for stories from multiple sources that reaffirm her statement above.

How old are you anyway? You strike me as one of those 20-somethings that is convinced that now that she has graduated from college, she knows EVERYTHING about EVERYTHING and anyone who doesn’t agree with her on any issue is wrong. :roll_eyes:


Wow. And you accuse others of snark and not being genuine with this reply?


I’m sure we are all very sad you won’t be attending the ninja party that never existed.


Nah, @Knights_Mom!

Do you smell that smell? That unpleasant, rancorous odor?

That is the smell of desperation and knowing what will come out in the civil trial!


Is that what that was? I thought someone was smoking the pot.




I think we should have a Christmas party for MB. I would gift him with a warm Buffalo plaid fleece robe.


Constant in the darkness? Where’s that at? If you want me, I’ll be in the bar.


@Rubyroo You’re a fairly new poster, it seems, and new posters tend to get some degree of hazing (if their opinion is inconsistent with that of the majority).

Ghazzu’s response there is just expressed as sarcasm. Within the grand scheme of things (snark, condescension, misrepresentation of what was posted, mockery, and insults) sarcasm is pretty mild.

In fact, sarcasm is used so commonly as a form of expression, I would not characterize someone who happens to use sarcasm as “not genuine”. They’re just making their point sarcastically.

I like @Ghazzu. She’s not mean spirited, she knows stuff, and she sometimes comes up with wicked funny one liners.


I was referring to Eggbutt being the dominant poster over the whole three plus years of these threads, not to this thread individually.

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@CurrentlyHorseless, wrong again! Does this make that your 2,347th time at being wrong today?

I have been on this forum for many, many years and have never once witnessed “hazing”!

You insult the moderators here by suggesting hazing occurs!

Most here are happy to share knowledge, personal experiences, send hugs and condolences, etc.

BUT, most here also will not tolerate lies, half truths, the twisting of other people’s words or phrases!

That is how this board rolls. This is how this board has always rolled.

Don’t like it? No one is forcing you to be here!



Look I get it, everyone is having fun ganging up on me. I’ve seen enough here to know how these people treat anyone who doesn’t think Michael walks on water, and I don’t care. It’s like any group of people: some have some witty replies that make it worth reading, some have never typed a word I have found to be worth my time, and most are somewhere in between. I can take it; this stuff isn’t a serious thing to me and I enjoy most of the back and forth (except the disgusting posts about my mental health and my family member’s mental health - not ok). I don’t have a stake in this fight; I personally don’t care if Michael gets out tomorrow or stays locked up for decades. And I don’t care if Lauren ever shows at any level whatsoever. So I will come here and participate when I want to whether or not I read all the previous threads, watch the entire trial, read the YouTube comments (not happening for sure), or watch 48 Hours. It’s nobody’s business whether I do all or none of those things.

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I suspect that was the intention in bringing on a new recruit


Isn’t it odd that those who accuse others of “hazing” or “being mean” are the same ones who defend someone who has a history of stalking, harassment, physical altercations as well as a history of falsely accusing others of physical and/or sexual child abuse?

I’ve asked this before but still haven’t received a response. Does anyone know of anything LK has done that would be somewhat redeeming? I would genuinely like to know. I would genuinely be happier to know that there is a history of at least something redeeming or positive that LK has done. That there is something, anything worth continuously defending?


By “hazing” I’m referring to the kind of bickering and personal commentary that causes the mods to shut down threads when it gets out of hand.

So obviously hazing occurs. Kudos to the mods for not tolerating it.

Perhaps this got overlooked because of all the hazing going on. But, there was this:

I mean, it’s something. God knows what she wanted in return, but it’s something.


Well, odds are high there will just be another one before Christmas if this one goes.


Most likely.

LOL you make up your own definition for hazing, and then use your erroneous, false, and ridiculous definition to prove that hazing obviously occurs here. Please take advantage of many sources available to you to discover the definitions of words whose meanings you obviously don’t know.


Funny @CurrentlyHorseless, because while explaining something to the poster you claim is being hazed, she roared back at me with a snarky comment.

Does this mean she was hazing me? Should I be reporting her snark to the moderators? Should I flag her post?

Nah, I am a big girl with big girl panties who can roll with the punches here, unlike those claiming hazing!