I don’t approve of hazing, being mean, stalking, harassment, physical altercations, shooting people, lying and making false accusations whether the perpetrator is LK, MB, or any of the posters here.
I don’t think the fact that you feel sorry for MB and dislike LK is a valid justification for trashing and mocking her.
Or you could poke and prod and harass a bear and get mauled and sue the state park you were hiking in…
I’m still nearly 300 posts behind but from what I can tell, we’re (because of a select few) still debating what the jury in the criminal trial was thinking and what the verdict meant, misconstruing what others have said to make the same erroneous assertions over and over, and arguing with lawyers. Funsies! Did I miss anything else?
I fixed the typo. I have never defended those behaviors in LK. Pointing out that the jury determined that MB shot LK while insane is not a defense of any bad behavior in the person he shot.
Neither is trashing LK an effective way of defending and supporting MB.
Flouting a conversational maxim to make a plain rhetorical point is not bad faith. There are quite a few other things that have been posted on this thread today that might be, though …
You’re barking up the wrong tree if you think @Ghazzu needs to be called out as a perfidious poster, in any case!
Yep. I’ve known @Ghazzu for…let’s see…about 25 years. Absolute straight shooter. Always concise, always honest.
Really, not much point in conversing with someone who just wants to argue, which is why Rubyroo is on my ignore list. There is zero value to their posts.
You’re right that the verdict is still being discussed, but now the angle is whether the jury was unconvinced that he shot her, and through jury nullification returned a verdict of NGRI instead of NG, because they wanted to ensure MB got the psychiatric help he needed.
I don’t think that is what happened, but if it did happen, I think it would be a horrible injustice.
Except that pesky statement from MB on 48 Hours? Or the documented and lengthy weeks long negotiations involving lawyers and daddy dearest for her to leave beginning in July? Suuuuuure. No evidence she was repeatedly asked to leave. Lolz.