Mb civil suit rulings 11/15/2022

No problem. Y’all have fun at your pretend party with your bathrobes and tiaras and ninjas outfits celebrating a real tragedy for all involving mental illness, gun violence, social media harassment, and victim shaming.
And as I am not a member of the LK fan group, (because there isn’t one, I have yet to see anyone defending her bad behavior)I can’t go to that pretend group’s pretend party either.
Can we get back to the civil trial? I didn’t really want to digress!

Are you on a constant loop where you just say the same thing over and over?

We get it. We got it the first 10 times you said it. You don’t believe jury nullification happened. Some do. Everyone is entitled to their opinion, it just doesn’t need to be on endless repeat.


Anytime I can help I am happy to do so. And if you want me to shut up just say the word. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I forget how many years I was on the NCDCTA board as Education Chair. I had such a good time putting together some fantastic year-end symposiums. Met some great people and made some good friends.

And the CDI’s. Lots of running, fussing, a bit of cussing here and there, JM and I going back and forth on how much red or white wine to buy, she said red I said white, he he I was right. I served the stuff😂

We had a great time and provided a top notch CDI.


You do realize that the only one going on about the ninja party - or even brought it up for that matter - is you, right?

I think secretly you really wanted to go to a ninja party.


Correction, I am somewere around 400 posts behind. But am I to understand that someone is trying to besmirch our dear @Ghazzu? I will ride at dawn to defend this erroneous and libelous nonsense! Ghazzu is a treasure. A quick-witted, even-keeled master of veterinary knowledge. I will not stand for anyone raising arms or words against them! @DreadPirateRoberts, have you a mare that can make it past the driveway? I fear mine isn’t of a constitution to ride out in defense of our brethren.

Edited: libelous, not slanderous!


I am aware that Barisone claimed that he had asked her to leave many, many times. That’s not evidence that he actually did.

In his civil suit against the police, the first date the suit mentions that she was asked to leave is the Aug 5 letter from Tarshis. If MB
had asked her to leave “many times” prior to that, why was there no reference of it in the lawsuit?

MB was delusional and not acting rationally and had a plan to “scare her” out rather than evict her. I think JK and Tarshis may have stepped in to attempt to resolve the situation after seeing things were ugly and MB wasn’t functioning rationally.

So yes, I see no evidence that LK was asked to leave prior to Aug 5.

Do you have anything other than your assumptions and a self serving statement made not under oath to indicate that he did ask her to leave?



I can offer my steadfast services, we may not go fast but we will go steady.


I shall take you up on your offer of a steady mount. We shall ride at dawn! Huzzah!


It would be a hoot if MB asking LK to leave a few times is on the illegal tapes…and transcripts.


Riders up at dawn, those who wish to join you can meet us at the pasture gate.

Edit* and bring snacks, I like snacks.


Eggbutt said a long time ago that she has known MHG and her parents since MHG was a kid.

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Hmmmmmm. So LK paid a vet bill for Shelly Nelly belly And LK gave Shelly Nelly belly a copy or copies of recordings.

Scratching my head, think Shelly Nelly belly is beholden to LK?


I’m not sure you do get it. It’s not about whether jury nullification happened or not.

The recent discussion was whether posters consider the jurors to have been acting out of compassion for MB in using jury nullification to render a verdict of NGRI as opposed to a straight NG verdict that would have made him a free man. At least two posters seemed to say they would have voted that way, apparently thinking that involuntary commitment with an uncertain release date is better for MB than being uncuffed and released immediately after the trial.

I think I’m the Barisone supporter in saying that jury nullification of that form would be a horribly misguided attempt to “help” MB.

Regulators, mount up!

ETA: can’t believe there isn’t a meme for that involving horses!


Fear not! There is some funny stuff ahead!


Can someone just summarize or hyperlink? Lol.


But where are their bathrobes and tiaras?? I thought one should dress for the occasion.


It has the words “center mass” so it must be true!



As a filmmaker, I volunteer to produce this meme. To the tune of Warren G’s masterpiece. I do, of course, require a steady mount for my participation.