Mb civil suit rulings 11/15/2022

So I see you have chosen to repeat yourself needlessly again.

As far as LK never being asked to leave - have you not heard the multiple 911 calls MB made where he is desperate to get them off of his property? And you truly believe LK did not know her presence was unwanted? Wild.


As you humans would say “Mr Demille, I am ready for my close up”.


No it wasn’t, and no one actually said that. You are engaging in a bad faith representation of what was said.


We really must admit that we ARE a sarcastic bunch LOL


Yep she has. The problem is that some think because of that eggbutt calls MHG everyday to get the latest and greatest inside information. Or calls LO. Honestly, I would be willing to bet that those three parties have better things to do with their time. Ride, run a business or two, cook, get ready for Christmas, sing Jingle Bells, drink a cocktail, play with their kids or grandkids, give belly rubs to the dog, clean a litter box, laugh with friends, or go to the new elf dentist




(Sorry a thousands posts later, but Suboxone is very highly regulated-- not saying somebody cannot outsmart the Feds, but it is more regulated than many other controlled drugs. Not any doctor can prescribe it. I say this as I would not want it to be assumed someone on it can easily abuse it for resale, just because of one person whose behavior is under scrutiny. )

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Say it ain’t so!


Hey, gotta keep things entertaining and lively amongst the repetitive posts droning on and on about the same 3 topics and the trigger words used over and over.

Wasn’t someone making a bingo card for the thread’s overly used phrases? I know “center mass” was just called out.


As someone who has been through a hell of a lot of pain management due to well, horses, I’d like to know who gets prescribed multiple boxes of suboxone or has that many on hand to throw away? It’s odd.


Grifter should certainly be on there.


You forgot the consistent rewriting of history….


Addicts that go to multiple drug clinics that operate independently of each other and won’t turn away an addict until said addict gets caught.

Also - don’t forget both RG and LK testified to taking Suboxone, so twice as many empty boxes just off the top, without any clinic shopping.


I thought they were throwing away the empty boxes.

Maybe the old boxes had been tucked out of sight somewhere so nobody would see them. Wasn’t that what made MB run a background check once he saw all the boxes? Not sure if that’s the right order of events.


Yes we did!!! I’d love to organize a get together at the Hunt Show Grounds for all the regular workers of JM’s CDIs and reminisce about all the amazing memories of all things Raleigh CDI! And we’d serve an abundance of white wine and a few bottles of red, just for JM!


So you choose to believe the words of an admitted liar because they fit your narrative? What “bunch of evidence” are you citing? A single text, taken out of context, sent months before the episode? You like to try and bolster your opinion by ignoring inconvenient truths. At what point do you consider that very few share your viewpoint? At what point does that make you at least pause and question your narrative? It’s just tiresome to watch you twist and turn and misconstrue. My only question is “why”?


You’ve asked me two questions. If I answer them will you accuse me of repeating myself? Probably.

I have listened to all of the 911 calls. In none of them does Barisone say, “I’ve evicted these people and they refuse to leave.”

If he had evicted them, his lawyer would have told him that you don’t call 911 for that anyway. It’s a different legal process.

One of the calls to 911 was to complain that LK and RG were refusing to sign a document. A sane person does not call 911 if a client declines to sign an agreement. He was not a sane person.

As I have said before, I think LK was fully aware that MHG intensely wanted her gone, and that her presence was unwanted by others. That’s quite different from MB, as the business owner and trainer, asking her to leave.

I think the situation got ugly enough that Tarshis and JK stepped in to the vacuum created by MBs indecisiveness and inability to function rationally and attempted to extricate LK when it became clear that MB was not going resolve the situation.



An update on Rudolph’s suit :joy:


I am still somewhere around 1900 on this thread. I will likely never catch up.

All I can say, and spank me @Moderator_1, if you must… but imagine your life is defending someone whose behavior is abhorrent. Defending them so much, that you must misconstrue the words of others. And then seeing that your posts garner no support, while your rebuttals are overwhelmingly supported… and then returning to a forum where you are clearly losing the argument and insisting that somehow your argument will prevail in court. All the while arguing with lawyers. Not only are you failing to understand the law, but you’re failing to understand how most people see your arguments and those of your patron Saint. Neither of those blind spots bode well for the civil suit. It is honestly… curious.


Ridiculous! Rudolph is well known as a Nasal American!