Mb civil suit rulings 11/15/2022

Wait, weren’t you the one telling other people that their personal experiences with the mental health system were wrong and “fake news?”


To the best of my knowledge Shelly was so grateful she glommed onto LK and they became internet besties.


No that was Ghazzu who is like the moon and the sun.

Just the opposite. She’s said several times that she understands that other people’s experiences with the mental health system may be different from hers.

Ghazzu used the phrase “fake news” in a mildly sarcastic statement.


Just curious since you haven’t read all my posts, are you aware that I have stated multiple times on this thread that I think Lauren and Rob both seem like completely awful human beings?

None of you Michael Barisone supporters notice that because all you see is that I don’t speak of Michael like the god you all think he is for whatever reason. It’s absurd.

I will repeat once more: no one in this entire saga seems intelligent, likable, or decent.


No one here, to my knowledge, treats Michael Barisone as a God. Most here simply want to see justice prevail in an innocent man regaining his freedom and the terrorists who conspired to Finish the Bastard are held accountable. But you would have known that if you’d spent any time researching the threads for clarity.

Hopefully I am on your ignore list!


By all means, please quote any post where any poster was “disgusting” towards your family member or towards you in regards to mental health. I must have missed it. I highly doubt any posters have said anything about your family member or anything negative about anyone receiving mental health care. Just doubted your knowledge on the subject of mental institutions, which is far from what you are claiming.


No, sorry - you have not been disgusting towards me so you are not on ignore (odd that you want me to think you’re disgusting but whatever). Good luck though; you have the power to change that any time! Trust me, as an outsider, there is a lot of Michael Barisone worshipping going on here. It’s not at all surprising that none of you recognize it (or want to recognize it). I’m not sure why you think he is so innocent when he declared war on her (I believe in a 911 call?), which is quite similar, though almost totally ignored, compared to the popular “finish the bastard” mantra repeated here frequently.

I’ll end my posts with the same disclaimer: no one in this entire saga comes off as being intelligent, likable, or decent.


I didn’t read CH’s post because they’ve become so repetitive, so I just saw the comment you are replying to.

MB referred to LK/RG as squatters in the 911 call and was desperate to be rid of them. So CH is absolutely right about a sane person not calling 911 over a document. He was calling because he was desperate to be rid of them. But we all know this.


Glad to see you’ve been reading the back threads but you should be paying more attention to the social media screenshots in them. We haven’t mentioned ‘it’s war’ in quite a while…you must have had to really go digging back pretty far to find the 911 call links.

LK declared “war” on MB on her Facebook account before MB ever called 911. Figured you might not know that. I can post it for you so you don’t have to go looking.


MB referred to them as squatters, true. In one call I think he referred to them as “scumbags”.

But he did not call 911 to get help evicting them. Each 911 call had a different complaint. They posted something on Facebook the previous night. They were in the barn at 9 pm. They refused to sign a document.

None of the 911 calls asked for help in evicting them. If he had been sufficiently coherent to say he wanted them gone, presumably the police officers would have informed him of the eviction procedure. It’s not calling 911.

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Captain’s log entry for today’s sailing on this forum (in case you don’t feel like catching up the hard way):

Several sealions were basking just below the Cliffs of Insanity. The steadfast crew of the Revenge and several of our closest internet stranger friends sailed close to the shore to see if any new notices from New Jersey were posted regarding the intriguing legal proceedings there. That was an ill-considered move, and a few in the party (a party of people who were, hilariously enough, throwing a festive ninja Christmas party with disrespectful tiaras) got out their longe lines in an attempt to clear some space of pinnipeds so that all could maneuver to shore for a friendly conversation.

The hazing, alas, did not have any effect on the state of affairs, and not only did the sealions manage to discover the top secret headquarters of the Barisone Fawning Fangirls Club, and mission control for a Facebook and YouTube comment fraud operation bigger than any election-year Russian troll farm, they also cracked several other secrets: that @eggbutt knows MHG (gasp! this has only been openly acknowledged on the internet for several years! how did they know!?), that there are other Carolinians in our midst who may have at some point met a character from this Greek tragedy, and that Unf and Ghazzu are known associates (side note: poor @Unfforgettable, having to endure 25 long years of association with someone like @Ghazzu who dares to make earnest and astute points in cheeky ways now and then).

Back at the Cliffs of Insanity it was still unclear whether any individual experience with mental health could be generalized to make inferences about the general state of mental health care access, and the debate about that point grew alarmingly acrimonious, if one-sided. True to the toponymic legacy of that rugged coast, the figures we could make out onshore were engaging in some puzzling behavior. One was building straw men, knocking them down, then gathering up the chaff and flannel and doing it all over again, over, and over. Another was shouting at the seagulls about ugly teen girl squads worshipping false idols.

The only news we heard from the eastern U.S. was that ShellyJellyNellyBelly’s friendship with the poor innocent victim may have had something to do with a vet bill. Winter is here and flurries of posts were falling, so it was difficult to make out the details from the forecastle as we passed the sealions and marveled at the bizarre behaviors of the tiny tribe of locals. Enough inflammatory vocabulary was cast about to create a whole new COTH bingo game, though on second thought a drinking game might be more appropriate for these threads. Rudolph made an appearance, along with his young cousins. Some regulators literally mounted up. Mics were dropped. There were few recipes to be had, though, so ultimately it was a lean evening for the Revenge and our internet bathrobe besties, but perhaps we’ll dine on interesting comments from the legal eagles when there’s more news in the case.

And with that, good night, @erinmeri. Good work posting actual horses in this horse forum thread. Sleep well. I’ll most likely kill you in the morning.


Wasn’t it stem to stem?


Where in any of these threads have you seen anyone speak as if Michael was a god? Literally nobody thinks that or has said anything like it. What nearly everybody thinks is they feel terribly sorry for a guy who had everything going for him, despite lots of struggles in his life. Who worked hard and built a successful career for himself only to have it torn apart by a vindictive, dangerous, lying, narcissist who has a long history of vicious bullying, harassment, and abuse.

Most of us don’t know the guy, have never met the guy and don’t know if he’s a big teddy bear or a giant asshat. Either way, he didn’t deserve to have his life destroyed by some spoiled vindictive princess throwing a temper tantrum because she wasn’t being treated like the most important client in the barn. The whole thing is just terribly, terribly sad and we feel terribly, terribly sorry for him.

Most of us did feel terribly sorry for Lauren at the outset too since - as is noted frequently in these threads - nobody deserves to get shot. But the more she and her family members posted here, the more we heard from her previous victims, and the more we learned about how she purposefully set out to destroy MB and MHG, the harder it became to sympathize with her for a situation almost entirely of her own making.

Being privy to details the jury in the criminal trial wasn’t allowed to hear, such as the location and severity of the dog bites, most of us also believe there is plenty of reasonable doubt as to who brought the gun to the house that day and how Lauren ended up being shot. There isn’t a shred of forensic evidence that can conclusively put the gun in Michael’s hands. The police failed to secure the scene, failed to test everyone for GSR, and failed to collect the video footage which Rob originally told them existed, but then changed his story to claim he just happened to turn off the cameras moments before the shooting.

So yeah, we feel sorry for the guy who spent three years in jail without seeing daylight, who was committed to a psych facility against the recommendation of the doctors who examined him, and who is being held without a treatment plan, and without a hearing scheduled at the required intervals.

What kind of person wouldn’t feel sorry for him?


Wow! I am shocked at your background and experience in “worship”.

Seriously, I don’t think you have a clue what you are trying to talk about. Why you jumped on this thread ready to rock the world with your thoughts without any background is beyond me. At a minimum you could take 47 minutes of your life and watch the 48 Hours episode for a start. Of course in the episode you will see Lauren all dressed up as though she is doing a fashion spread with full model makeup, cooing to horses that aren’t hers, at a facility she has nothing to do with, and refusing to discuss the trial on the advice of counsel. She, and her father, portrayed her as an innocent ingenue. Contrast that act with her SM posts, the stories of previous victims, the 911 calls, the impeached testimony she and her boyfriend gave during the trial, the posts of her mother and father on these threads, and you might gain a clearer picture of the person you are so eagerly and naively trying to persuade anyone to believe is an innocent victim and that Barisone is the devil himself.

Your posts have offended many long time posters here, but I doubt you realize that or care. Again I will say, no one here considers Michael Barisone a God to be worshipped.


It’s literally everywhere. If you can’t see it, you are working really, really hard to not see it.

I don’t know, maybe the kind of person who thinks that shooting someone is wrong?


Presumably the officers’ supervisor would have spoken with him when he went to the PD for help instead of being ignored and denied access to any supervisor…denying access is a very serious problem for most law enforcement agencies. Imagine that. What a ragtag law enforcement agency.


This is such an over the top reaction to my post that made absolutely NO indication that I am even slightly trying to persuade anyone that Lauren is innocent. This is a great example of why I don’t take any of you Michael Barisone supporters seriously; I have repeatedly stated that I think Lauren is a horrible person, and yet you QUOTED MY POST SAYING SO and immediately accused me of trying to persuade people that she’s innocent. I did no such thing. I also never called Michael “the devil himself”. They are all equally stupid, awful, and indecent to my eyes. They all seem like horrible, unlikable human beings. Is this clear to you now? I am not defending Lauren, I am not trying to convince anyone that she is a decent human being, and I don’t give a crap about her any more than I do Michael. THEY ARE BOTH TRASH AS FAR AS I AM CONCERNED. Please stop misrepresenting my opinion when I have made it abundantly clear how I feel.

This is exactly why I accuse you of worshipping Michael. You are completely blind to what I am actually saying because you are for some reason so enthralled with Michael that you can’t even read a post correctly if it doesn’t praise him unconditionally. It’s really weird.

Everyone thinks shooting someone is wrong (except in certain cases of self defense). What you are missing is that a significant number of people arent at all convinced that Michael’s the one who shot Lauren.

As for posts that show people treating Michael like a god being everywhere, that should make it say for you to share some specific examples. Because I can’t find a single one. Weird.


Then why are you here wasting your time and ours? Serious question.

I assume I’ve qualified for your ignore list now!