Mb civil suit rulings 11/15/2022

Right, and in my opinion that’s the whole “Michael Barisone is a God” thing rearing its ugly head. Anyone who doesn’t care about anyone involved can see that the very most likely scenario is that Michael took the gun from the safe, drove to the house, and shot Lauren. If you have a blinding hot hate for Lauren and/or a bit of a crush on Michael, you are of course likely to come up with all kinds of scenarios that make Michael the good guy and Lauren the bad guy. I just happen to think they are both bad people and that Michael shot Lauren. You are free to disagree with me.

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Of course no one calls 911 to evict people. The 911 call clearly conveys that MB wanted LK and RG gone. MB already had Tarshis negotiating the logistics of LK leaving. It was painfully obvious to everyone but possibly you that LK was unwanted and had been asked to leave.

You know, I thought it was, too. So I went and searched the dear seeker’s post previously to confirm it for Bingo night and it said stem to stern. But now I’m betting the phrase was edited.

@DreadPirateRoberts, your log of the day is magnificent.


Hmmm…this sounds familiar. But I must say, for someone who hasn’t kept up with the post history, watched the trial, or the 48 hours episodes, you have quite the formed opinion about the character, ideas, motivations and connections of the players.


I concur.

I seem to recall some discussion about the phrase after the fact.


I don’t feel like I am wasting my time - when I have time, I come here and participate, and when I have other things to do, I’m not here. I will be busy tomorrow morning so I won’t be here on the forum.

If anyone feels that I am wasting their time, they should simply ignore me. It’s not up to me to decide who thinks I am wasting their time.

You still have not qualified as a disgusting person to me, I’m sorry to tell you! Maybe you’ll try harder? I still have absolutely no idea why you want to be disgusting???

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Yikes, was it my request of a steady mare that has me in the crosshairs? And here I thought we were on the same side. Glad I have Simplisafe!



I love you.


Am I “enthralled” with MB? There is nothing I need to “see” there - I am not. Hmmm. Do I worship him as a God? That is laughable - and no, I am not in denial. But it has been a helluva sucktastic day - and I needed the laugh… so thanks for that! :laughing:

I am also not a gushing fangirl or a starry-eyed something or other or whatever else may come to mind when it comes to MB. Amazing fact - the last person I had a crush on was a graphic artist friend - he was hot and funny and smart - but that was a very long time ago. Sorry to be such a disappointment.

I knew of MB and had seen him ride. I also laughed at the Colbert bit. Other than that, nada. Zip. Zilch.

I just started following this case and knew of LK before the shooting as her bizarre behavior online was being noted by a dressage group I am in… little did I know what was going to happen…

And here we are.


Hmm….I simply recognized familiar behavior patterns I’d dealt with before and thought I’d chime in. It’s eerie how much similarity to things I have dealt with happened to MB.


I don’t even recognize your username, so I definitely was not talking about you as a Michael worshipper. I guess you kind of outed yourself by protesting a little too much lol.

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Not sure what you’re on about. I don’t see anyone being berated for speaking their truth. What I think you might be experiencing is people not following your flawed logic. If you’re feeling “inferior” because your arguments aren’t landing, then that is a different matter. Also, not a “Barisone supporter”. Just a truth seeker.


You literally berated CurrentlyHorseless for not being popular with regards to her viewpoints here. You literally tried to make her feel inferior for not agreeing with the masses. I have no idea what that mess was where you begged the moderator to not spank you, but it seemed similar. Do you really not pay attention to the words you post?

Now I’ve got it why it looked familiar.




Don’t miss the photo of the reindeer calves (post 2072 on my phone) kindly posted by @MorganSercu. It will make slogging through the repetitive meanderings of the “usual suspects” more palatable.:grin:


It means that some posters like to forget that the jury found Michael straight not guilty on all charges against Robert Guy Goodwin/Jim E Stark/Superman and the lesser charge only required them to find that Michael pointed a gun at RGG/JES so clearly the jury did not believe anything missed RGG/JES.


I did not get my new bingo card for today yet. Darn it.


I have to assume that you do not realize that asking someone to leave is not the same thing as evicting someone. Evicting is a legal action that most people try to avoid. Asking someone to leave is … well… just that. “Hey Lauren, this is not working for anyone, including you clearly, so it is time for you to find a new place for the horses and you.” Or maybe something like “We will stay in the barn until you, your dog ,and RGG are out of my house.”


I don’t remember that exact sequence of events either, but if they were trying to keep the boxes hidden so no one would see them, why did they then throw multiple boxes in the trash? Of course, perhaps they assumed that MB/MHG et al would never look in the trash can.

So many questions…


Addicts eventually screw up or count on others continuing to give them a pass on their behaviors for (reasons).

LK living with someone who is actively using means she isn’t taking her own addiction seriously.