Mb civil suit rulings 11/15/2022

Holy false dichotomies, Batman.


You must refer back to what I said many many many many moons ago. Suboxone, like the rest of the controlled narcotics/narcotics-adjacent substances was handed out in large numbers. Via medicare/medicaid and other programs, there was a lot of taxpayer money changing hands to “help the addicts”, but it was all a sham that lined the pockets of the industry and unscrupulous doctors, who got their cut. The short version is they were giving it out in massive quantities - to both addicts and non-addicts - and making $$$$$$ from it, in both legal and illegal markets, as much of the Suboxone handed out was diverted into the street drug market, as a supplement to regular narcotics. In addition to that, the companies behind Suboxone manufacturing and distribution cornered the market and overcharged for the product, leading to billions in fines and settlements.


I just want to take a moment and thank CotH for requiring you click two things to flag a response because I frequently hit the flag when trying to heart a post. I can’t even blame it on fat fingers, I’m just a doofus.


Thank you. I do believe that is what was said originally by Kirby.

I have done this too. Glad I am not the only one.


I neither have a blinding hatred for LK (I dislike her, she’s a bully and just generally a nasty person) nor a crush on Barisone. Do I doubt the veracity of LK and RG’s statements? Absolutely. I believe there is a possibility MB was being attacked and then fired a gun. I believe there’s a possibility he was aiming at the dog and is a poor shot. I believe MB might not have shot the gun. I have no idea what happened, I wasn’t there, but the lack of forensic evidence troubles me.
The fact is that from a forensic standpoint alone there is very little evidence confirming or denying the events as outlined by LK/RG. That’s why there are so many different theories.

Tldr: none of us know what actually happened, hence the different theories.


That’s a very weird take. First of all, who here has a crush on Michael? What a bizarre and Lauren-esque thing to say.

More importantly, how does recognizing that the evidence (dog bites, location of phones, no third shot, lack of blood, etc.) doesn’t support LK / RG’s ever-changing story = MB is a god? How does reasonable doubt = MB is a god?

I don’t know why you need to categorize anyone in this scenario as good and bad, but since you do
which person has the history of vicious “bad” behaviour? Which person posted a manifesto declaring how she was going to destroy MB / MHG? Which person was disrupting life at the barn so much that clients and staff left, an owner was sleeping outside her horse’s stall, and MB needed to hire private security? Which person falsely claimed to SS that children were in danger at the farm, triggering a CPS visit? This after posting that the only way SS would take action was if minors were involved.

I don’t know who pulled the trigger or how LK got shot, and neither do you. But I do know - as does anyone who had followed the timeline, that up until the moment of the shooting, one person was clearly the instigator / aggressor and one person was their victim. It’s hard not to feel sorry for someone who was tortured to the point where he literally had a mental breakdown. How or why you would characterize that sympathy as people having a “crush” on him is beyond me.


Of course she knows that. Yet she still keeps bringing it up. I believe there’s a word for that kind of behaviour


Trying again to catch up but wanted to say that I watched an episode of COPS a few weeks ago (I am not sure that is right name for the show, but it is a reality show that depicts real life situations that police officers deal with on their calls).

In that episode, a man had called 911 to have the police come and make a person leave who had been living in the upper section of his detached garage. The person was his mentally ill cousin who was sleeping and staying in a loft area of the garage that was used for storage. It wasn’t a real living space, had no furniture, no bathroom, no cooking appliances, but the cousin was staying there anyway and the man could not get him to leave. The police officers had to climb a ladder to get into the loft and convince the man to come down so they could take him somewhere for evaluation.

It was of course not the same as a true eviction (in the legal sense of the word), but it was a case where police responded to a 911 call to have a “squatter” removed from their property.


I don’t know how it could be any clearer that MB was starting the legal eviction process by securing an attorney and sending a notice to quit which is always the first step. You can’t file in court without having told the tenant they are in violation and must leave.

But further to that, those rules apply to HUMAN tenants and there’s no such rules applying to EQUINE tenants. Denying services and telling someone they have to get their horses out is a process that has nothing to do with a legal eviction from a residential property.


So any dislike for LK, or questioning of how things went down = you worship and/or have a crush on MB.

Seems legit.

I would say in many cases its normal for people to question things or notice details that might not add up and discuss it. That’s not exclusive to this case. It doesn’t mean they they’ve sworn an allegiance or have a love affair with any side, it’s just that things don’t add up to them so they’ve got questions and theories.

I’m not a fan of either side, and just because I say something negative about one side doesn’t mean I favor the other side. This whole MB Fangirl bit is rather stale. Whenever a reasonable explanation is offered its just countered with “you all are blinded!” or some other nasty commentary.

I don’t understand how one can get all uppity over others “berating” other posters when they have done so, historically, and repeatedly. Just because someone disagrees or questions your opinion doesn’t mean they’re berating you.

I am going to say that Tigers don’t change their stripes, even when they reincarnate themselves.


Bingo submission:



There are some people who are looking for any reason to be angry.


If I didn’t know better, I’d say someone has flounced back in


I would respond to this post by @eggbutt with a long response, but since I have decided to worship Michael Barisone as a god, I am very busy decorating my house and putting up my Barisone tree. The neighbors are questioning the tiaras and dressage saddles strewn about the yard, but I will convert them yet!


The dressage saddles everywhere is going to scare your horse too. I am sure the thought in the pasture is - I did not sign on for this!


Which, from my recollection, is why he referenced “war” in that call, because he’d seen that post by LK.

And as iffy as my recollection is, it beats someone who hasn’t even attempted to follow this mess.


Hey @trubandloki, did you not read the rules for proper worship of Michael Barisone?

Certain props must be obviously displayed so all will know you are a Barisonite.

Dressage saddles and tiaras are just part.

You must have all posts approved on any thread referencing Michael’s name approved by @eggbutt.

Robes and their design must be approved by The Elderly Illegal Mob.

If you must leave your basement, it must be done through the proper channels!

Come on trub! You are better than this!


I have now put out my Barisone elf on the shelf.


See @trubandloki! @Joanne gets it! She is using proper worship techniques!

Come on trub- step up your game!


@cutter99, are you relinquishing your paid position as a COTH Moderator, as designated by LaLa in a past thread?