Mb civil suit rulings 11/15/2022

I have no idea what this has to do with my comment, I was asking about one specific scenario regarding testing riders at National shows.

I don’'t even know whose property you are talking about? Barn? Show? My barn? Whose lacing my horses food? What’s this have to do with my question?

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Absolutely. Like I posted yesterday I would have disassembled the barn around them, shut off the barn utities, removed stall doors, arena gates etc.

Horses do not have tenancy rights.


I wonder if it was after MB moved out of the house and into the barn, so at that point they tossed their stash of empty boxes in the trash at the house.

I think there are behaviors of addicts that most of us will never be able to imagine or understand.

As you say, so many questions.


You could do all those things and some people would still say that no one told Lauren she needed to leave.


I am so sorry that I am behind with my proper shrine building.
I have been busy looking for my copy of today’s bingo card and lost track of time.


Wow really? That is wild. I was tested twice this summer (my horses) and I actually asked them if they tested riders and they said it wasn’t their responsibility. I wonder if it’s a third party that does it from Sport Canada or whoever?

I think cannabis is going to be coming off the WADA list soon. Which is great news for those who use it for therapeutic purposes and don’t have to jump through all the hoops of a TUE.


I assumed it was after everyone was booted out if the house.

But then, even while in the house they had separate apartments in it, so one simply wouldn’t see the trash if one wasn’t in their apartment, and who would be?

Maybe RC saw it and took the pics when she went in and Rosie bit her? Maybe someone saw them after they got info from people they contacted about her, and the addict shoe fell?


Do they not freaking recycle in NJ? Why are boxes not going into the recycle bin instead of the trash?


@BrownDerby, very, very sadly, much to Mr. Cutter’s dismay, my Chronicle of the Horse paychecks never make their way to my mailbox. Thus, I must resign my position, as while it gives me great joy and lets me wield unlimited power, it ain’t payin’ the hay bill!


I didn’t think recycling was a big thing in the US? Is it where you are?

My own household Golden Michael. I did a thing in the front yard and just decorated it for Michaelmas.


The US is so far behind when it comes to recycling. Having lived much of my life in Europe, I am deeply disturbed by the lack of recycling in the US. It’s 2022, get with it! Why is it not a thing?!

Some areas are definitely better than others. My friend in MA has a company that does trash, plastics, and paper (individual bins). That’s the way it should be. Plus glass.


Indeed most of us who have been around the block understand that the truth is usually somewhere in the middle of any mess.


A sad day but thank you for your service. Just think of all your free time!


It should come off as it’s not a performance enhancing drug unless the sport is looking at all the pretty colors LOL


Doesn’t that fall under the umbrella of illegal surveillance?


See @trubandloki! Why can’t you be more like @Knights_Mom! She has obviously read her worship guide and gets it! Maybe KM could take you under her wing and mentor you!


We recycle paper, plastic, cans, bottles


Thank you @BrownDerby!

Unlike certain banned posters here, I am not a woman of unlimited means, and these damn ponies keep eating!



The people testing horses aren’t/wouldn’t be the same people who test people/riders afaik.