Mb civil suit rulings 11/15/2022

I have not caught up on this thread. But I have also not been kidnapped by @DreadPirateRoberts, who did not make good on his signature threat. The day is young, though. Alas, I am unsure I would make as a worthy captive as Wesley…

Also, questioning why people oft repeat mistruths and false assertions is not berating.


I have nothing to hide. I’m good.


I guess it is area specific, but as I say in lots of threads, I think everyone should have to pay for their trash by the pound and then they will be more careful with their recycling.
At my house we make far more recycling than we do trash.

Yes. The place we take our recycling will take almost all metals actually. Most plastic codes, glass, all paper and cardboard.

I will beg KM to help me!


Weirdly, where I live, they won’t take glass. We have a bin for trash, and a bin for recycling. But no glass is supposed to go in the recycling. I have found a couple local places that will take clean glass for recycling/arts/crafts other purposes though.


My garbage is picked up curbside 2x a week, recycling 1x a week.


I pretty much have mostly recycling too. It’s good to hear there are some places out there supporting recycling, I have only heard from people I know that they don’t really have it in their areas.


We recycle here, paper, plastic, cardboard, cans and glass.

I do know that at least one county in NC stopped taking glass. That one is really stupid to me, recycled glass makes so many things.


I know lots of people who have it that do not bother to do it.


Yes, it’s a different group of people that comes in to test humans than horses. I remember it was a lot of work for the shoe organizer because they needed separate space, more volunteers, etc.

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Would that be Caledon or RCRA or elsewhere?

Where I live the city provides weekly recycling (glass, plastics, metals) and compost pick up, and non-recyclable garbage every second week, with a bag limit per household on the regular garbage.

Once a month there is bulk pickup for big items like furniture, construction waste, BBQs etc. They encourage people to put bulk items out on the curb a day or two early to encourage “pickers” to collect and resuse them before they go to the landfill. We also have yard waste collection during the summer months, which gets mulched / chipped and used on the city parks and trails. In the fall loose leaf collection. You rake all your leaves into a pile at the curb and a big vacuum truck comes along and sucks them up. They end up in the city compost facility.

Yet where my sister and parents live, the only things that are picked up and recycled by the city are aluminum cans, newspaper, and certain plastics. Funny how it varies so much from place to place.


Knowing someone for years and being close friends with them is often two totally different things. I know a lot of people, doesn’t mean I call them friends and am in regular contact with them.


I believe she is referring to RC’s testimony at the trial, when LK was feeding a client’s horse treats after being asked not to.


It’s hit or miss in the US. Some of us are very passionate about recycling (I work at a science center) and some people don’t care.
Personally I always recycle.


I thought it was when they put the trash outside the house (in the trash bins for pickup). If that is the case it was still MB’s property and he had every right to look in those trash bags and trash bins.


I’m can’t figure out why this needs to be explained to anyone.


Drug testing is so sensitive nowadays that the post passive contact can render a positive drug test. It’s weird.


yes even peeing in the stall can! lol

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I wouldn’t be able to remember a test or a jump course if I was stoned :joy:
I’d end up riding around saying “whee!”


Here’s the thing- if they wanted to keep the Suboxone boxes hidden, they would have.

How difficult would it be???

You collapsed the box, put it inside a bag with other garbage, throw it in the can and no one is the wiser.

Either very sloppy or didn’t care who knew.