Mb civil suit rulings 11/15/2022

If @DreadPirateRoberts follows through you are legally obligated to have “slain by The Dread Pirate Roberts” in your obituary.
Other Princess Bride references are suggested but not required.


As you wish.


Guilford, where I live. We have to take our glass to a specific place (which we do) in order to recycle it.


Why is everyone talking trash? This used to be my happy place.


I know it’s a typo but “shoe organizer” gave me a good laugh. Thank you.


Oh, that was very well done. Lol.


If I knew how to put a gif in here this post would be various people applauding.




I’ve started a business BTW selling mini Michael Golden idols. $19.99 plus shipping and handling.

There’s a tabletop version 3 ft tall for $49.99 and just for this holiday season a full life size version for $119.99 and it comes with dual LED lighting on the base which switches from white to multi with 7 different blinking, fading, steady on options.

A true Michaelmas necessity!

Also, for your fireplace, Michaelmas faux Dressage Boot Stockings with your name in glitter.

We have ornaments glitter embossed with our favorite Michaelmas sayings: center mass, who does that, etc.

Hurry before it’s gone!

www MichaelsFanGirlMusts.com


It’s a little cruel to put that in there without linking it to something fun. Lol.


Different trash, same bb


When in Rome…


If he had gone to the police department to say he needed help getting a tenant out, a non supervisor, maybe a clerk, probably would have informed him of the procedure.

That’s not what he went to the police department for. He went to complain that the police had not responded as he had wished to his 911 calls, and demanded to speak to the supervisor. What do you think he expected the police to do? Arrest LK and RG for not signing a document? Arrest LK for posting weird stuff on Facebook? Do you wish he had been successful in bullying the police into arresting LK for posting of FB? Do you doubt the man is a bully when he marches into the police station and attempts to bully the police?

The visit to the police station was an illustration of his inability to take sensible action and his tendency to vent his frustration in confrontational ways instead.

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Yes, Guilford was the county in my mind.

They stopped taking glass when I was cleaning out my Mom’s house after she died. My Mom grew up in the depression, saving glass containers was a thing with her. I CANNOT tell you how many bags of glass containers I hauled back to Wake County so they could be recycled.

OH and in Guilford County you have to pay to drop things off at the dump. Had to weigh the truck on a giant scale driving in then pay up. I managed to get that down to two $20.00 trips.

Wake County you drive on in and pick the right designated place to drop of what you have. FREE


Police Departments don’t have clerks.


Dang it!!! The Michaelmas stockinged leg lamp has sold out already! Both the Michael leg version and a horse leg version in choice of color and front or rear. Darn! I see the price escalating on ebay immediately. Even GoogleShopping couldn’t find more. What’s a girl to do??

I was able to scarf up the last light projection system lighting the front of our home with random images of MB in holiday colors! I can’t wait to plug that baby in!! I’ll get our MFS choreographer to quickly put music together to match the images, hopefully taking selections from his freestyle music!!


Totally untrue.

He went there to get the police to do their job. Every single civil service supervisor MUST meet with the public when requested. The supervisor/commanding officer was derelict in their duty by not doing so. It wreaks of bias and malfeasance.

Any citizen is within their absolute right to speak with the person in authority. Unless you’re in Russia or China.


Did you try Amazon?


Wow!!! What a leap.

Well, it is NJ and you must be familiar with NJ inaction and lack of training.

Here in NC, where dressage goes to die, if a citizen marches in to the PD asking/demanding/whatever to see a supervisor for any reason, they DO! Regardless if it is to complain about the actions or inactions of a 911 call, traffic stop, inability to obtain information or simply to ask questions of a higher up!! We know now that the cops responding to the 911 calls admitted they didn’t think the situation was serious. I assume Micheal wanted to speak to a higher up about the threatening FB posts, the illegal surveillance and bullying. What he didn’t know was the strange decisions the prosecutor made that the police followed.

You really are amazing and seem to apply your fantasy to anything anyone says that you might disagree with. We don’t know exactly what Michael wanted to see a supervisor for but to be blocked by officers with hands on the butts of their weapons in a threatening manner is unacceptable. Had he been threatening to them they would have arrested him. Instead, they denied him, probably escalated the frustration (more serious lack of training by this podunk department) and forced him out. Who does that? Protect and serve my butt!!! But, you already know why I believe they treated Michael Barisone the way he was ignored and treated on all accounts, don’t you? Perhaps more details will come out eventually or perhaps procedures will change in that PD on many levels.


I’ll take 2 of the smaller and 3 of the larger!

Such a small price to pay for my absolute dedication to all things Barisone!