Mb civil suit rulings 11/15/2022


I know it varies by state. In my state, you can not pick up more than a 30 day supply of narcotics at a time and refills require a new written prescription and authorization. So it would be hard to get multiple boxes of suboxone unless I held on to a box a month and then threw away several months worth at a time. Pain clinics are the same. People wait in line first of the month, every month.

It sounds like PD got called for a welfare check and he was brought to the hospital for a mental health evaluation which is very different, but police can enforce that. Iā€™ve known some schizophrenics, for example, who were called by a concerned party and since they were off their meds and not able to care for themselves, they were brought to the hospital and then put on a 5150 hold by ER doctor and had a minimum 72 hour stay at the psych hospital.


But, I DONT WANT A CREAM ONE! I WANT A BAY! :tired_face:


Okay Karen, they are out of stock


Very late to this but Iā€™ve often considered getting a Welsh Terrier!


Ah, that could be.
I wonder if the volume of boxes was due to them preparing to move, per the negotiations with Tarshis, or were the boxes discarded well before that?


Or they knew it might exacerbate the distress at having them there.
Kinda like a bombshell dropping.


I believe the background provided by 48 Hours on the point that MB was in the midst of a tug of war between MHG and LK. MHG wanted LK gone. LK wanted excellent training from MB. The two women want conflicting things from MB.

MB needed to choose: end the training relationship with LK/tell LK to leave/evict LK (any of those actions) or tell MHG that he was keeping LK as a client and MHG would have to put up with it.

MB did not choose. There is no evidence that he asked or told LK to leave. He did not tell MHG that he was keeping LK as a client.

IM had a post about a year ago in which he said that MB was attempting to play it both ways ā€”. telling MHG to back off, he would deal with LK while telling LK that he would deal with MHG.

When MHG asked him why they couldnā€™t just evict LK, he responded that he was going to make things to miserable tor them them they would beg to leave.

I see the 911s as a demonstration to MHG that he is making things miserable for LK as promised in his plan to scare and harass them out.

Rational people donā€™t call 911 5 times a week to summon the police on their clients if they want the client gone. A rational person would have informed the client that the client relationship was ended and proceeded with eviction if necessary.

It was established in court that he was delusional/insane as of Aug 7, 2019. There are many indications of irrational behavior in the days before the shooting. In particular, the whole pattern of behavior in which he made a show of attempting to make her ā€œbeg to leaveā€ rather than asking her to leave or evict her.

It was working. Tarshis and JK attempted to find an alternative place acceptable to LK. ED snd Tarshis weā€™re in the process of attempting to resolve things legally when MB vented his frustration with a gun.

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How about a Michael Golden God dressage boot leg lamp?
With a chandelier tiara shade?


Must I bow and lower my eyes before approaching said golden idol?

Also, Iā€™d like to inquire about incense. Burning incense keeps away the evil spirits (or so I hear).


How do you know this?


And he has to sign a waiver that you gave him permission to kill you.


Donā€™t forget the elf.


Iā€™m glad you finally acknowledge that LK was asked to leave and that negotiations for her exit were negotiated prior.

Saying that MB called 911 multiple times in utter panic to ā€œplease MHGā€ is absolutely absurd. It is obvious to everyone that no one wanted LK on the property.

For example, MB was paying for security every night on his property. He was fearful for his family and his horses. He was calling 911 because he was desperate and afraid. That is clear to anyone listening.

Legally MB must tell LK to leave prior to formal eviction. Iā€™m certain he did, especially since he was working with attorneys.

This love triangle you like to spout sounds like itā€™s directly from LK. No one is buying it. MB was not torn between LK and MHG. MB wanted her gone and there is plenty of evidence for that that you refuse to accept.


We need the extra large sage stick to keep the evil from permeating our MB altars and shrines.


For clarity, she asked if testing was done on riders at that level. My point was not typically at LKā€™s level. Per USEF, FEI is the only one testing riders and I believe they use WADA to administer those tests. Anyone who has been selected to ride on Team USA at Olympics, Pan Am Games, etc. are subject to random drug tests from USADA as well as WADA. However, horses can be tested at any USEF sanctioned show. And yes, drugs can be laced for riders and horses, so why would Barisone want to take that risk at his facility?


What did he want the officers responding to the 911 call to do when he called 911 to complain that LK was refusing to sign a document?

Oh, I love me a good flounce!
And Iā€™ll bet my Bingo card that there have been several flounces, both outā€¦ and back in.
scarlett flounce


Itā€™s bizarre how the recycling policies are so different all over the place. Some places you have to sort out your recycling, some places it all goes in the bin together, some places you can drop it off for free, some places you have to pay, or you can drop off residential recycling for free, but pay for commercial recycling.

It seems crazy that there does not seem to be one workable system for everybody.


Your insistence on this is beyond my reasoning. It has been proven via words and deeds that LK knew she had to go. Any normal barn situation or tenancy doesnā€™t normally require the formal filing of an eviction in court. That is done for tenants who need financial assistance to leave or for problem tenants. Why you fail to acknowledge this defies logic.

Admit it. Just admit it. LK wanted to be a pain and a burden as long as she could. She wanted to finish the bastard, destroy his business, relationship, peace and tranquility. It was all vengeful acts to punish him for not choosing her.

She knew she had to go. Her acts prove that. One does not report someone for kiddie dingling charges or neglect and expect to become teachers pet a few weeks after.

Every act she did screams of punishment and vengeance and I KNOW we will one day find out so much more.

And that behavior is simply indefensible IMO.