Mb civil suit rulings 11/15/2022

Trying to imply that each 911 call MB made was over signing a document is disingenuous.


Why don’t “we” know what Michael wanted to see the supervisor for? He gave a whole speech in the lobby of the police department.

The speech was reported in MBs civil suit against the police.

Having only caught up to this summary, I have to say that upon reading it again with context, it is epic. Thank you! I bow to you, dear pirate. (In deference, although I mean you no harm…)



Its practically a revolving door, a la Elf, for some.
Someone e more skilled, please add a Will Farrell gif


Didn’t RC testify about her presence for one of those 911 calls? Wasn’t that testimony about that 911 that they were threatened by RG.


Obviously you’ve never dealt with someone like LK. You simply don’t tell someone like her, things like this. If you do, you best be prepared to have your world destroyed. He didn’t want his world destroyed he just wanted her gone. He went to the police for help. Any help he could get. He didn’t receive that bc in their eyes it was a civil matter. Had they taken the time to really see what was going on, I believe they could have possibly intervened and maybe this mess wouldn’t have happened. Unfortunately it’s pretty common for police to take the easy way out.


I am not implying that “each 911 call MB made” was over signing a document.

Only one 911 call was over signing a document.

My point was that the whole set of 911 calls might be interpreted as calls intended to demonstrate to MHG that he was scaring and harassing them out, as promised. I harp on the particular 911 call about them refusing to sign documents because to me that’s the most bizarre one of the whole set.

Can one of those plug-in things be used in a barn in place of incense (fire hazard)?


Feliway, maybe?

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Sage. We need a powerful Sage smudge to cleanse our happy place of negative influences.


You’re trying to imply that it was not evident that MB desperately wanted LK to leave in the 911 calls. That a call was over a signed document. It was not. MB repeatedly stated he was fearful for himself and his family. Insinuating that he was trying to “appease MHG” by making false calls and pretending to be scared is absolutely absurd. I just listened to the 911 calls again. These are direct quotes:

First call is for TREAPASSERS in horse barn (referring to RG and LK - MB’s address is given)

“I have told them not to be in the barn…”

“They are scum bags, they have chased us out of our house, I want them gone.”

“I asked her to go home for the evening, she won’t leave the barn and she is screaming at me… This is the second time in 3 days”

“They’re nuts. They are stalking us, they are harassing us… we are in fear for our lives.”

“I talked to my lawyers and they said call them right away (police)”

“We are at the stable, we are under siege here.”

“I don’t know what to do, this is not looking good. I have a family…”

Quotes LK’s FB post: “Everyone should be worried, I’m not responsible for what my other personalities do when threatened.”

In response to FB post: “That’s insane, and we are in fear for our lives.”

MHG calls day after shooting and says she is afraid and in fear for her life after JK and RG threaten her.

And ironically, LK makes a call stating a suspicious vehicle has return. She says no weapons are involved. (Then why the CPS report?) States she overheard guys who wanted to hurt them

911 operator: “Are you or anyone else in danger?”

LK: “We feel we very much could be.”

Not only was it blatantly obvious no one wanted her there, she says she is in fear of danger yet refuses to leave.


Was it supposed to be a secret? I don’t see why it would. I can see keeping active drug use on the downlow but this is a drug that treats addiction, no? And in theory keeps people from using. (We know that wasn’t exactly working for RG)




If you’re dealing with someone you know or suspect will be difficult, you should work extra hard to follow the legal procedure. Let her know in writing that you’re ending the client relationship, in addition to asking her to leave. Let her know you’re working with a lawyer.

If you’re dealing with someone prickly and stubborn, it’s even more dangerous to skip the boring legal process, say “this is war”, and “scare” them out while trying to get them banned for life by USEF.

The police did not “take the easy way out”. They responded to each of his 911 calls. They are not permitted to arrest and detain LK for refusing to sign a document or for being in the barn after 9:00 or for posting weird stuff on FB.

I feel very sorry for MB. I assume it’s due to his mental breakdown that he handled the situation so badly.

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My comment was more…why are you talking about LK at Barisones when my question was asking if the poster had ever heard of a National athlete being tested. I wasn’t talking about LK or MB or their circumstance.

Anywho not important to the thread. So far only @BigMama1 has heard of it and it was here in Ontario lol

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Maybe that’s why they wanted to keep it on the downlow.

Or maybe they didn’t want to give anyone a reason to think of running a background check on them, which may have been exactly what happened.

Again, I think there is a whole skill set and mindset for addicts that most of us don’t understand. Especially when it comes to hiding the signs.


If this is the approach the K’s are taking for the civil trial, then they are absolutely screwed.

Unless you have inside information, you have no idea how many times MB told LK to leave verbally. You have no idea what was written and given to her. You have no idea what steps were taken legally.

We know for a fact MB was working with a lawyer. We know formal eviction was given, and we known oral notice is required prior to legal eviction. We also know MB was taking the advice of lawyers.

We know damn well that LK knew she was completely unwanted.


You know what? I think she slipped up and admitted something very damning about herself with that one.


It has been my experience that police often tell people wrong things.

So much so that I was saying this at work to a member of the public who had gotten totally blown off by police and I informed them of that. My boss called me in to counsel me on how I shouldn’t criticize another officers actions. I was like yeah right. I was threatened with action and nothing came of it. But that’s how sure I am of this.


I seem to recall a comment LK made here about MB talking to his lawyers….seems most of us understood it to be that she was talking about having recorded his attorney-client conversations.

She blew it off as MB having a lot of conversations with him “as a friend”. In hindsight those comments now have context.