Mb civil suit rulings 11/15/2022

Oh dear…now you’re an insider!


Let’s go WAY out on a delusional limb and say MB was trying to appease MHG with fake 911 calls. That everything he said about being fearful for his life or family was just a lie.

If I were in the position of LK and I were delusional enough to believe these calls were fake, why on earth would I still stay in that environment? Why on earth would I stay on a property where I’m supposedly fearful, where dark SUVs are pulling up at 3:15 AM, and I’m on a property with someone insane enough to fake 911 calls stating that I’m a trespasser, than I’m insane, that I’m harassing and stalking someone and their family, and that I’m a serious threat to MB and his family?

Completely absurd.


For heaven’s sake, post “the speech” here. I don’t have time to wade through the documents to find it but you must have it handy. “WE” will wait with bated breath.


We don’t have glass recycling either. I’ve heard that it isn’t cost effective.
But! We have a semi local place that recycles glass into useful things like xeriscaping stones. And people here also use them to build their houses.


I think somewhere on FB this gets morphed into claiming the 911 calls purpose was to time the police’s reaction for the murder plot. However, the only plots that seem to be in evidence are the ones in LK’s emails, texts, and FB posts…


I have no inside information.

Deininger filed the civil suit against the police. In that filing, the first time that he alleges LK was asked or told to leave is the Aug 5 date, two days before the shooting.

Here’s my logic. In a civil suit against the police, I would make my strongest case by stating the earliest date I had started asking LK to leave, even if it was just verbal requests initially.

Why does the suit not assert that MB had asked her “many, many times” prior to the letter on Aug 5 to leave?

It’s the absence of references to prior communications asking her to leave that makes me take seriously the possibility that there were no prior requests.

By the last week, I agree that LK knew she was unwanted. I think she was preparing to leave but wanted to leave on her terms, not his.

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Keeping in mind that Suboxone is a banned substance and it can be found if the right test(s) are used. And there’s LK, giving treats to others’ horses despite being told not to do it. And RG moving about the property. More to the point, LK and RG weren’t behaving like normal clients or people and having addicts around your family (including minor children), multimillion dollar business and extremely valuable animals wasn’t acceptable to MB.

Having LK in their home wasn’t acceptable to her parents either.


The most ludicrous part of the whole thing is that it sounded like she was actually calling the police about the nighttime security guard MB had hired, namely… the hay guy. The hay guy!!

Pretty much everyone here on the BB who saw the hay guy testify in court wanted to bring him home with them and cook a nice dinner for him.


Is that an order, @Eggbutt?

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And I’m down another interesting rabbit hole.



I believe LK was the source of that idea about timing the police’s reaction to the 911 calls. I think she may have posted about that here on the BB, although I’m not going to waste my time looking for a post that was probably deleted.

More projection?


How hard would it be to put a Suboxone strip on a sugar cube and feed it to a horse….then call report to the FEI like LK said she did?


Or to dissolve and put in a beverage that is already somewhat bitter (coffee for example) to offer to a rival?


Yes it was one of LK’s public comments made on FB.


He was being threatened on social media by someone living on his property. I would go to the police too.


That’s not why he called and you know it. Is there any point in telling you AGAIN that it was their insane and threatening reaction to the document that prompted the 911 call? Never mind, we already know the answer.


I remember seeing posts about that, saying she was asked to leave. They have to be somewhere


Yes. Why would all those different people have offered her stalls or trailer rides for her horses if she had not made it clear that she knew she needed to leave the current place??


Seriously? No outting here. Apparently even a simple comma would be seen as “protesting too much”.

She was also enjoying posting about it on Facebook and likely elsewhere, but I only saw the FB posts firsthand. She was enjoying herself… relishing in the turmoil… and while declining numerous offers of help to move her horses (that she had asked for), made it very clear that she was not going anywhere (with laughing emojis) even though she was complaining about bullying and hinting that her horses might be harmed. Mix in lots of cutesy fawning posts from ShellyBelly. I hope that TPTB have screen captures of those posts. They were… alarming and bizarre.

Been there, done that. Yes, one person can gleefully tear apart an amazing barn community and vilify staff and boarders. Threaten to call the police on us - and did.

The officer standing there in the drizzle one night chastised Our LK for calling them out “for nothing” and said how sorry he was for our situation to me and a boarder as he backed out to drive away…



@Knights_Mom, do you sell dressage flavored candy canes to hang on the tree?