Mb civil suit rulings 11/15/2022

I have them in my home. I like the way it looks. I’ve had people tell me it makes my house look dated. (80’s) Some are interior, some exterior.

I saw a home improvement show once where they tore out the glass wall. I was appalled!


My grandparents had a glass front in their business built in the 1940’s (they enlarged around it later) and they some decorative glass blocks built into the home they designed and built in 1960. It’s very, very nice.


What does the dressage flavor taste like? :thinking:


My interpretation of the 911 calls is that they were made by a delusional man, and illustrative of his mental breakdown. I think we can’t read his “intent” into them in the same way we can’t determine that he had “intent” to kill LK.

If a sane man wants a tenant/client off the premises, there’s a course of action they take which is very different from calling 911 and saying the things you quoted above.

Every sane person who was present in real time when he made those calls should have seen red flags regarding his mental state. At the same time, when you listen to the calls, you get the impression of an alpha male aggressively “taking charge” of his life.

Which is it, alpha male with bullying tendencies or someone in the midst of a mental breakdown?

In hindsight, after the escalation in delusional behavior (the shooting), it seems obvious it’s delusional behavior. If LK had realized she was dealing with an insane man with access to guns, then, yeah, she probably would have fled. But if MHG or RC or Tarshis did not realize the severity of his mental problems, why would you expect LK to?

I took the liberty of fixing the link: www.MichaelsFanGirlMusts.com




Lol. That is insane. I know JK has claimed the calls were fake but there is absolutely no basis to that. How in any way would it benefit MB to fake these calls? How would it be beneficial for MHG? Does anyone here really think MB would sacrifice his business, livelihood, safety of his horses, for 5k a month for 4 horses just to keep on LK happy and on the farm? No.

If LK believed he would, she’s the craziest of them all.

I agree but the hay guy was there every night, at least one weekends. Which is another good point. She was watching anyone that pulled onto the property. She would have known hay guy was coming there every night, and I for sure think she knew why. I think she was completely aware of MB having to hire security because of her.

I wonder what dressage would taste like? A negative bank account and the endless and unattainable pursuit of perfection?


Like a dressage show! They are black and white although new colors may be produced for the canes. If you look real close there are bits of horse hair and arena dirt. Very similar to the H/J candy canes but still have their own flavor.


Bitter ones? Lol.


Not sweat?


I believe he said in his testimony he was there every night for a week or so.


Oh yes, they have those too!


To an outsider, alphabet soup.


I am dying!

Thanks for the RickRoll!


You mean like asking your lawyer, and calling law enforcement…


LOL I haven’t been RickRolled in ages!


I have found that police officers are not always up on the law. I have heard some very incorrect advise given by police officer.

Not all police officers.

The law if funny that way.


I was reading about the Fox Hollow Farm murders. So terrible! The horse barn and land was very beautiful and it is so sad that its haunted now. I wonder what it is used for now.

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Yes. They taste like chicken.


What was their “insane and threatening” reaction to the document other than to refuse to sign?

Is their “insane and threatening reaction to the document” mentioned by Barisone the 911 call?

I find it rude and condescending when you contradict what I’ve said and add “and you know it”. I suspect you know that, but maybe not.

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