Mb civil suit rulings 11/15/2022

For you, yes, but not for me.

To bring this to the issue of the topic of the thread, are you hoping or predicting that Deininger and Bilinkas will attempt to show that LK was the proximate cause of her own injuries because she caused his mental breakdown, and it was his mental breakdown that caused her to be shot?

I don’t think they will even attempt such a thing.

Then how do you explain the prosecution’s witness who explained that Michael was not insane because his fears were based on reality, that Lauren was truly doing the things that Michael thought she was doing?


And I think it’s naive and wrong to assume their not.


I’d be calling the mayor, the news, Curtis Sliwa, Hells Angels and anyone I could think of for help.




This is exactly their claim.

Have you not noticed this?


I don’t recall now if it was the hay guy or someone else, but wasn’t there somebody who testified at the trial that LK came out of the house and accosted him/her in his/her car as s/he drove by on the way to the barn?

So it certainly sounded like she was keeping track of the comings and goings up the driveway.


Between naps?


Yep, multiple rants, multiple threads. She was completely flabbergasted about how they “knew” to go to the barn. Once she claimed that MB and crew called them on themselves so they could justify their murder plot.

I actually think she was caught off guard that CPS showed up. I think she wanted to call CPS, and settled on SS instead and told them what she would have said to CPS. Then SS called CPS.


Oh, yes. EB sits in her own room at a very large and intimidating desk. She has a collection of dressage whips on the wall to discipline anyone in the mob who doesn’t immediately follow blind orders.


I would expect nothing less


Because in part, it can be very popular to victim blame that someone who is threatened didn’t do more to get help. We’ve seen it on COTH, someone sharing a troubling situation and others pleading that they do more to seek help…

In fact, some victim blame MB for not doing more to take appropriate measures here, but also excuse LK for rather than leaving when she felt in danger, she ramped up her bad behavior.


I think it was hay guy/security who drove right past her as she tried to stop him.


“Alpha male.” It’s very interesting that we have heard that term before being used to describe MB. :wink:


I know, right. People in my section of the office are wondering what the heck caused my laughter outburst.


I have a few scars. I’m stubborny


@CurrentlyHorseless, have you read the amended Answer and Complaint? It is (and has been) linked to the top post (thank you @ekat for making finding this stuff so easy for everyone). I have to guess the answer is no, because if you had read it you might see exactly how Chris has laid out EXACTLY THIS in the answer portion.



Didn’t she claim to have overheard a plot to harm her? Didn’t MB and hay guy talk outside of the barn, and not near LK/RG or her locker?

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Another poster, @BigMama1, asserted that the 911 call was not about their declining to sign the document (as MB stated to the 911 operator) but rather about their “insane” reaction to the request that they sign the document. I was following up on her comment, asking what the “insane reaction” was, other then declining to sign.

I believe people have the right to decline to sign documents, and I think it is bizarre, and perhaps illustrative of delusional behavior, to call 911 and expect the police to force someone to sign a document.

Has the actual document at issue ever been disclosed? People seem to assume it was a liability release, but I’ve never seen a definitive description of the document.

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She is wicked accurate with those whips.