Mb civil suit rulings 11/15/2022

And “reading” on the porch.

Maybe that’s why RG had the cameras set up to alert his phone to any activity.


LOL. Someone else has described MB as an alpha male.


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There might also be a lunge whip involved for group discipline.


She could crack it like Colbert did.


I’ve said I agree with the jury’s verdict that he was not criminally responsible for having shot her due to insanity. Like the jury, I am rejecting the view of the prosecutions witness that MB was not insane.

I do not believe that MB was both sane and insane at the same time.

I can’t remember, did you watch the trial (or the online recordings of it)? It seems like you missed part of it, or forgot part.
Ruth Cox testified where she describes the documents given by MB’s attorney, and RG’s reaction where he started threatening her, inspiring MB to call 911.

I mean, your imaginary movie in your head is more fun, but you might as well go with the facts on this one.



Have you not read MB’s response and counter claim? https://forum.chronofhorse.com/uploads/short-url/iPgsjC6AFaqzB1YLBbez2sATW7Y.pdf



Why start now?


Interesting disconnect. The only other testimony related to his insanity directly credited his condition and actions to the fear that was a direct result of LK’s behavior and actions. Nothing else.

The prosecution did not make the case for Michael to have diminished mental state, they cited motive.


What else could it be though?
She was seeking to have someone come on to the property to ride her horses, so… I mean, a waiver isn’t a leap.

Considering her penchant for avoiding being served… Her avoiding this benign, common waiver we’ve all signed… Its pretty telling that she flips the script on this to make it seem so ridiculously nefarious.




It was apparently displayed on the barn wall and she showed it and acknowledged what it said to the police….but wouldn’t sign it and the police agreed she couldn’t sign off on her own murder. The language she used makes it clear it was a liability waiver. Plus she said she dropped things to the police as a hypothetical so when MB was subpoenaed and on trial she could prove perjury.


You’re a pony? Ponies and stubborny are one and the same.


Not saying it should have been a secret at all, but it sounds like the other occupants of the farm had no idea they were sharing a living space with people with addiction issues.

Unless either LK or RG had shared their addiction issues with those living there, I can see it would be somewhat shocking to them.

And then the questions start. What are they addicted to? Is it an active addiction? Are they using illegal drugs? What does this mean for my safety? The safety of my family? My business?


Does point 36 claim LK “caused” MBs fragile mental state, or that she should have known that his mental state was fragile?

It says the latter.

I’ve been pointing out that MB was displaying behavior that should have alerted all those around him, especially those closest to him like MHG, that he was suffering a mental breakdown.

Yes, LK should have seen red flags. Nagel will make the same point I just made: if MHG, RC, and Tarshis did not recognize in real time the extent of MBs mental breakdown, why should LK be expected to recognize it? Apparently his mental breakdown is not obvious to everyone even in hindsight, as the prosecution expert testified that he was sane.

Of course the defense will attempt to say that LK should have acted differently by recognizing MB was delusional to mitigate her damages. If she had understood the extent of the delusions, she probably would have acted differently.

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I am struck by the fact that a certain poster on this thread readily acknowledges that MB had a mental breakdown, yet cannot grasp why jurors may have wanted to ensure that he receive psychiatric help before he was released into their community. I can’t figure out if said poster is being willfully stubborn or willfully obtuse. :laughing:


I think the relevant evidence will be the email/text exchange where it is acknowledged that the plan was working and that MB was scared. That was the point where she had the duty to stop.


If it was a waiver for injury to the other people riding her horses, they would need to sign, not LK.

Desperately trying to figure out how they are still on the winning side is an option as well.


Or, his second defense, which speaks for itself:

The whole thing, all 24 pages is well worth a read for anyone interested.