Mb civil suit rulings 11/15/2022

Yes, he states that RG is acting threatening by staring directly at him, and harassing him by taking pictures.

RC initially says that the threatening statement to MB was that RG was not going to let MB control the care of the horses, and after having her memory refreshed with the transcript of her statement to the police on Aug 7, that RG said “I’m going to take you down”.

I had forgotten that RC was standing there during the whole thing. I think as a clinical psychologist and friend of MBs, RC is the one who should have recognized that MB was not reacting rationally to someone refusing to sign a release, or someone staring at him, or someone taking photos when you’ve called 911 on them. Saying “I’m going to take you down” is threatening. So is saying “this is war”.

The call featured in the trial as evidence of MBs state of mind. I think it is strong evidence that he was delusional as of Aug 4.

I think you must bow first to show you mean no harm lest the horse might be too afraid to come come and then halt halt.


So weird that in your world EVERYONE should have behaved differently except for the grifters who were the catalysts to everything going on.

The more I hear the details the more I’m grateful I wasn’t MB because my reaction to LK would have come faster harder stronger than MBs.


I agree. I got choked up listening. Both LK and RG are [edit]! I can only hope they are finally held accountable.


I’m with you on this.


Clinical psychologist? I understood she was a nurse practitioner.


I also think that everyone there was having to deal with those two and I feel sure they were all highly affected and traumatized by the situation. MH and RC both knew they were targets so I doubt that either of them or anyone else at that barn was in a position to analyze MB. So expecting RC or anyone else there to fix anything is ridiculous.
And I wish I could type my thoughts as eloquently as everyone else on this board.


I would not even ask Sigmund Freud for help if I knew he was spending his nights sleeping on a mattress in the barn aisle in front of his horse’s stall.




Karma baby, Karma


Champagne, of course.


You do just fine!

Something I mentioned in a previous thread, I think bears repeating. CH, et al, have doubled down on the idea that LK was never asked by MB, to leave. Based on LK’s posts made after August 7, it made no difference.

When folks questioned her, pointing out she had multiple offers to move her and her horses, she posted that they (presuming LK and RG) had no intentions of leaving. As tenants, they had rights. And, by staying, it gave them greater leverage against MB to pay RG $50,000 for work on the house.

So she was not going to leave. Even if asked many times. And, as has also been pointed out, eviction can easily take months (and often does) maybe even a year or more?

What a truly awful situation.


Didn’t RG testify in court that LK would not let him give that bill to MB?


Yes, because it would ruin “the plan”. Per his testimony.


Yes. Because she was warned of the complications of being unlicensed and a bill would be evidence. No bill and its he said, she said.


One of the things I always go back to (and I have posted this before) is, just look what LK did after she got the eviction notice. And these are just things we know about right now.

Aug 5: Steve Tarshis emails a notice to leave letter to LK - Could this have been a 3-day notice, since he gave her till Aug 7th to get out? Presumably with the intent of filing an eviction on the 8th?

Aug 5: LK FB a post about having to live on the premises to ensure proper training, with mention of the “barn drunk”.

Aug 5: MB goes to police station

Aug 5: Another “Michael is scared” text to dad

Aug 5: Michael knows we have recordings text to dad.

Aug 5: LK reports MB to SS (based on her sm posts).

Aug 5: JK hires ED

Aug 5: RG takes his handwritten (by LK) complaint to the building inspectors

Aug 6: LK served with eviction notice.

Aug 6: cameras installed per LK interrogatories in civil suit

Aug 6: LK says again, Michael is deathly afraid in text. Recipient unclear.

Aug 6: LK posts insanity manifesto on FB; also “solid gold” post on FB

Aug 6: LK FB post about her horse’s preferred song “Goldigger”

Aug 6: MHG mails her SS complaint

Aug 6: Jamie Dancer sees Michael and is extremely worried about him, calls Ali Brock, who calls MB, and is also afraid MB might harm himself.

Aug 6: ED meets LK for first time with JK, while RG secretly records meeting

Aug 6: Inspectors, fire Marshall, etc descend on farm twice

Aug 6: RG makes gun shooting motion to MB and mouths “Get Ready”

Aug 6: MB and everyone else living in barn given boot.

Aug 6: RC bitten by poor Rosie while trying to post notices

Aug 6: LK convinces fire Marshall to let her back in house. No one notifies MB

Aug 7: Farrier service refused which resulted in “Finish The Bastard” text.

Aug 7: 1:42 pm video clip sent to RG’s phone. Cameras then turned off.

Aug 7: CPS shows up

Aug 7: shooting


She was never going to leave.

Which is why I would have left and shut the barn down. Water and electric. Arena padlocks. Tack room padlocks, her stuff removed. Feed room padlocked.

There wouldn’t have been a bucket, shovel, bedding, cross tie, light bulb, garbage can, wheelbarrow, tractor, couch, chair, saddle rack left in the place. No gates on pastures.

I might have even tented the barn for insect fumigation.

Wanna play? Alright, I’ll play. Buckle up Buttercup.


Well your experience was different than my jury experience. The majority of the jurors were very concerned that they would be ruining the defendants life with a guilty verdict. It was ridiculous.


Oh, yeah. Hole in the Wall would come out for me. Some of their Outlaw friends, too. And my brother-in-law’s gumbahs. I keep chuckling, thinking about the black SUVs and motorcycles that would show up for her and her BF at 3am if I was the BM or BO of that place in those circumstances.


I have said that I have seen no evidence that LK and RG were asked or told to leave prior to Aug 5, and that it seems possible to me at MB, due to his irrational behavior, never asked them to leave.