Mb civil suit rulings 11/15/2022

Why do you think that? That’s exactly what their suit is. Or don’t you read? Haven’t you read the compaint against Lauren Kanarek? What do you think they will be saying? You and Lauren can stick your head in the sand and say “nah nah, I can’t hear you” all you want to MB’s claims. Get ready for a surprise, then, chickies, because there’s a whole bunch of pages of what MB and his lawyers are going to say in court and your denials arent going to mean much. Big eye rolley on that one.


Lauren said he did, so, sticking your head in the sand and going “nah nah, I can’t hear you” when she said otherwise is just foolish. You really are repeating yourself ad nauseum, you know, about things that don’t even make sense.


Many of the things you claim you have never seen are right there and obvious so I think like so many other things, this is a case of you not wanting to see.
What is that saying about being blind and not seeing? It applies here I do believe.

I will add that you proclaiming that the movie in your head does not know about something does not make it true.


I think jurors don’t listen and then sometimes they go off on tangents.


It’s amazing that LK and RG had time to do all that while they were busy packing up and getting ready to leave the property. /s


So, after the fact, LK stated that they had no intentions to leave. Even after posting for help to move, then turning down said help, before the 7th. You think that means they hadn’t been asked to leave? Clearly she had formulated a hard stance against leaving. Why would she do that if she had not been asked to leave?


There are none so blind as those who will not see. CH, RR and HH are those types. Willful neglect. They go out of their way to ignore facts laid out in the trial, in the filings, and in the tv program about it. Because it doesn’t fit their narrative.


OK, what is the evidence that LK and RG were asked or told to leave prior to Aug 5?

Not a claim made by Barisone 3 years later, or an assumption on your part, but evidence.

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I think that when the situation got extremely hostile and untenable, she decided to leave but wanted to leave on her own terms and not be bullied out by MB and MHG.

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Why are we not believing “a claim made by Barisone” but we are believing someone who admits they lie to get their own way?

Ignoring that whole point…Because I realize it is way too logical.

Lauren Kanarek’s actions and the actions of Daddy Kanarek/Jonathan Kanarek/@Inigo-montoya are evidence that LK and RG were asked to leave prior to August 5th. Her social media posts, etc.


Only Lauren Kanarek and Jonathan Kanarek (@Inigo-montoya) are allowed to bully people?


Awe. Too bad. When you aren’t welcome, you leave. Her terms were dispicable. “I’m not leaving until I ruin you, your business and your family”. [Edit]


I disagree that the actions of LK, JK and Tarshis are evidence that she was asked to leave prior to Aug 5, @trubandloki.

She was definitely making plans to leave prior to Aug 5.

Did she stomp her foot too and make pouty face with clenched fists and then threaten to huff and puff and blow his barn down?


I disagree with you. Their actions make it very clear she was asked to leave. I also believe Michael, who says she was told many many many times.



So she’s posting all over social media how she’s in fear for her life and her 8 personalities are unpredictable with her guns but she requires an eviction process to leave?


And history shows he had every right to be afraid of RG!


I’m still looking for the bathroom. On my last shift, I had to pee in an empty Cosequin jar.

However, I discovered the Cone of Silence. It’s ready for planning our next YouTube blitz.



LK’s own FB posts (in real time) whined that she was told to leave and being bullied and needed a ride for her horses somewhere. Anywhere. OMG ASAP!!! She played people to feel sympathetic for her. She posted that she feared her horses would be injured if she refused to leave. She refused all offers with comments like she could deal with it or could fix everything her way. Not sure of the exact wording but the meaning and intent were very clear. I did not realize the posts I read so long along would foreshadow what followed or need to be presented as evidence. This was at least a couple of weeks ahead of the shooting.

Not my assumption. LK’s own bragging and playing to a crowd. Many of us have mentioned these posts - I guess you must have accidentally missed them somehow.


There’s a Porto potty and a horse trailer. Both may have listening devices.