Mb civil suit rulings 11/15/2022



Thank you!


You’re welcome.


What right did they have to leave on THEIR own terms? Who’s farm was it? Who’s home was it?


She has admitted to being a narcissist on social media (here) and narcissists demand to be in control.


Well no one knows what her insane reaction was. Maybe it was nothing, maybe she was throwing things around in a fit.

The document was the same thing posted on the barn wall, which LK herself said. What else would it be other than the standard “we’re not liable for horse related injuries”?


Time for a bit of levity.



:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


Or as daddy said on 48 Hours, “who’s name was on the door”!


Bitter tears and disappointment :rofl:


Supported by the reaction of the woman who had been going to the property for years to inspect farm improvements or whatever it was, who testified at the trial that she got a bad vibe from RG at first sight, and wanted to steer clear of him.

Ditto for the working student, even though the judge wouldn’t let her answer any questions on the subject.


ErinMeri provided the available information on the reaction of LK and RG to being asked to sign the document— the 911 call and the testimony from RC. I don’t think their reaction would warrant a call to 911 by a fully sane person, and think the 911 call is an indication that MB was delusional at the time (Aug 4).

“Throwing things around” was not mentioned.

I’m still just staggered at the fact that they actually attended a horse show in the middle of all of this. Can you imagine having stalls near them at the show?!? Holy cow.

Thank you again for keeping such good records and posting them as needed!


I do remember LK posting here on the BB multiple times that she had been sitting on “her” porch that day.


I always thought this admission about what happened from LK was interesting

. It takes between 5-7 minutes for a lung to collapse. Longer to bleed to death. I did wonder how it was possible I was still standing 
 I would have thought he’d mistakenly loaded the gun with blanks - if not for the fact I was uncontrollably bleeding. I did assume I’d die. But, while I was still breathing, I was going to use every single ounce of strength I had left to help Rob restrain MB. Rob is 5’8 to MBs 6’4. Hearing “Michael!!! Stop MOVING,” made me think rob was losing his hold. If Rob wanted, he could’ve choked out MB to the point of being completely unconscious. That would’ve been easier. But, he wanted him conscious. At least partly. On the other hand, I knew the gun was still in MBs hand underneath them. This is why my MAIN concern was to do whatever possible to make sure he couldn’t fire it again.“

It is very interesting given the 911 call and RG’s statements to the operator about refusing to touch/remove the gun from MB and the testimony that he put MB in a choke hold twice, with the first time being while RG was standing on the porch steps. Also, one must really ask the question, if RG had really choked MB into unconsciousness, why on earth would you NOT remove the gun from him and stop the threat?


Do you have a screenshot of a FB post prior to the shooting in which she said she had been asked to leave?

I have seen no such posts. I remember her posting here after the shooting that “Michael never asked us to leave”.

I don’t trust recollections of FB posts. Not your recollection, not my recollection, not anyone’s recollection. Please don’t bother getting ten of your friends to swear that they are 100% certain they saw the same thing.


About the documents

“ I do, so wish I could share the contents of the documents mb actually thought we’d be stupid enough to sign. He even tried to block us from going in the Barn to ride, (something the DA told him repeatedly he was not allowed to do) until we signed his ominous paperwork
 When we refused, he called the cops. Those papers literally, haunt me. I think they disturbed the cops as well. I have a video of that entire event- beginning to end. So crazy! Truly

So, I guess we should be seeing this at the civil trial?


 Cops aren’t stupid. They know when they’re being lied to. But, the day they saw the contents of the “paperwork,” - MB knew he’d made a HUGE mistake in his planning.
With the moronic advice of his girlfriend who professed on numerous occasions to “have all the answers,” (specifically, regarding how to dispose of us & more over, “teach me a lesson I’d never forget,”) - I’m not surprised he made so many mistakes. He ignored his lawyer.“

Interesting how LK knew what advice his lawyer was giving him.


Just this suggests that LK was actually the one initially not sane. She believed this to the point of showing the posted notice to the police as a huge gotcha. Anyone who cannot understand the standard waiver for high-risk activities not only doesn’t understand law/legal writing like she so wishes she does, but honestly isn’t even able to comprehend basic business practice. I mean, you sign these to take your kids to a trampoline park for the love of all things. This is basic, everyday, consumer awareness stuff, not 3D chess and not legal savvy (gained through proximity to people who are lawyers, some of whom may practice law, others, not so much).