Mb civil suit rulings 11/15/2022

She admitted to being a narcissist here.

Narcissists project. It’s one of their things.


And yet more on the paperwork….

….” I honestly wish nothing more than to be able to share the contents of this “paperwork.” Especially, after the shooting, looking back on it, it might turn these people an opaque color. Even the cops were astounded by the contents. They wondered & even asked, “why, after 16 months would these boarders need to sign this now?” MB was maniacal. But- that’s how he always is. We recorded the entire event on our phones. MB became super unhinged when I noticed a wooden sign on the barn entrance which, basically asserted the same thing as his “paperwork,” & I directed the police to this sign. Once we made clear we “acknowledged,” this sign… the police told us to continue with our plans to ride & reminded MB he could not restrict barn hours. MB did NOT like this at all. Not only were we refusing to pay him one single cent more- we were also refusing to sign off on our own deaths!!! (That sounds crazy, I know- but, if everyone saw the words in the papers, no one would ever question “premeditation,” again.)”

But the premeditation proving death papers didn’t feature in the trial or did I miss them? What about the cops, did they ever comment on them? Did we see or hear the video of the entire encounter with the cops over the death papers that prove premeditation? MB was there so, the standard that MB knew about it should have clearly been met.


That’s the point where a lot of people would come out the next morning and find the horses tied to a tree at the front of the property.

If you’re not paying your horses’ board, why would you think the horses get to stay there?


“….yes! And their names are Robert, Cameras 1-3 , Audio 1-50, phone videos (too many to count), MB, MH, JH, RC AND LK. Only 4 of these named peopled have a motive to lie. They planned the whole thing! Are you one of them? No, Wait. You are just someone who claims to “know,” “the real story.” Run with it! Run with it…”

Did we see any phone video evidence or reference to any phone videos that documented any aspect of what was going on before the shooting? Have we seen anything from the court orders releasing the contents on the phone referencing any phone videos being turned over? And if the MCPO turned over 81 files, what is up with the discrepancy with number 50? Does that number represent the number of recording devices rather than the number of audio files? Shouldn’t 50 devices produce more than 81 audio files over a roughly two week period? If it is files…where did the other 31 files come from?


Oh yea in the criminal trial both LK and rg called it their house. RG was more adamant about it than LK.


Even JK recognized the significance of “the name on the door.”


What LK had to say about the personalities post….

“ Um, yeah, the post to which you refer was a REPLY to my cousin. It was an indirect reference to MB after certain ppl VERY close to him confided in me, certain mental health issues he may suffer from. I later confirmed this myself.”.

Interesting how that post was made at the beginning of all of this……


Remember the cameras that would have been removed…

“…For people claiming in their 911 calls, they’re being “serially harassed,” one might surmise they would record any & all incidents, as well as installing cameras. They had cameras to plug in. They had WiFi to run them. I’d be asking everyone “why didn’t they simply place the cameras up?” Except we know already to this answer, unfortunately.”



I was at work all day, then had to groom my dog. I responded to you before I caught up.

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What we have here is simply a case of a self admitted narcissist in full revenge mode methodically plotting the futures of multiple people involved with this barn. Feeling most 3D chess clever, the caustic puppeteer set wheels to motion lavishing and relishing every thought and emotion that she caused to be felt.

The recordings weren’t for her preservation. They were NEVER for that. She knew these weren’t murderous people. She wouldn’t be there if they were.

Those recordings were NEVER for her safety or preservation. Those recordings had one primary purpose: For her to be privy to and know every emotion and reaction. To enjoy the turmoil. Delight at their suffering by her hand.

A narcissist has to see and feel the fruit of their abuse. It’s no fun to abuse and run. Ah but with recordings she could ingest the turmoil and desperation. She’s awash bathing in their anxiety. The rising tension between a couple all done by her hand was titillating to hear. Oh daily delights which could be replayed and relived over and over.

And you know they were. That’s why all those recordings still exist. And it’s why she would continually joyously remind everyone they were under her command.


You think any sane person wouldn’t call 911 if their client came to the barn, threatened them, filmed them, and refused to leave? Not only was she refusing to sign a release, she was wa refusing to honor barn hours and wouldn’t leave. You wouldn’t find that behavior threatening?

Did you read @ekat’s timeline? By that point, she had posted multiple times on Facebook referencing weapons, bullets and war, including that day. I’m not saying he was or wasn’t sane on August 4th, but you sure are pretty liberal with behavior you find acceptable from others.


Most states, perhaps all states, have laws that cover the basic liability issue with respect to high risk activities like riding; by putting your butt in the saddle, you’re assuming the risk of getting injured or killed from the activity.

Those states probably require riding establishments to post notice of the law so that riders are aware that they are assuming the risk.

Unusually lax places may just post the notice and not bother with signed liability waivers. The posted signs I’ve seen are very brief— maybe twenty words. Every place I’ve ever ridden required an additional written liability waiver that is much more extensive — 1 page to 5 pages.

It sounds like LK convinced the cops that she acknowledged accepting the basic liability provisions of state law by acknowledging the posted sign, and shouldn’t be required to sign a more extensive liability release given that she had been riding for months without having been asked to sign it before.

I wonder if the document had other provisions beyond a more explicit liability waiver, like an increase in fees.

Apparently the cops told Barisone he could not prevent her from riding for refusing to sign the document. My interpretation would be that they considered the posted sign as providing sufficient notice of the state law on liability and that Barisone did not have the right to require more given that he had permitted her to ride there for months without any written liability agreement.

I’d still be very interested in seeing the document.

I agree that her describing the document as signing off on their own deaths is bizarre, but by Aug 4 both sides were antagonized and fearful. Like her interpretation of some of the stuff on the recordings, maybe the fact that he nearly killed her 3 days later affected her interpretation of the document after the shooting.

Yep, which is why if it were ME, I would have had them physically plucked out of their beds and removed along with their horses.

However, she may try to do it yet. I have firmly stated that I believe she will try to get onto his property in florida to do damage, after the trial is all over, of that I have no doubt.


OMG, this made me smile!!! Would you believe…Maxwell Smart and the Chief! I LOVE Get Smart!!!

Missed it by THAT much.

That show was pure GOLD.

:two_hearts: :heart: :otter:


What was really amazing was that 99, the woman, was the brains of the operation. Too bad it was during a time where she wouldn’t ever get “credit”.


I don’t understand regarding a release form as a death sentence. You sign a pretty detailed one every time you send in your show entries.


My friend is in NJ and every barn posts numerous inherent risk signs and she signs waivers at every barn she rides in.

LK must have been a drama queen histrionic.

My opinion.


I find it weird she claims the police told Michael he couldn’t restrict barn hours. And by “weird” I mean I don’t believe it.

#1 that’s not a legal matter that it seems police would weight in on.

#2 Since are business owners not allowed to set opening and closing times?


Actually, LK made a post that directly denies this.


I would have padlocked the door at closing time (there was a guard in case of fire) no matter what the cops said. Call a cop supervisor, your attorney whatever. My barn, my rules.