Mb civil suit rulings 11/15/2022

Don’t you think MB summoned them to the barn to sign the documents that he wanted them to sign?

I heard no indication on the 911 call that he asked them to leave if they weren’t going to sign the documents. He didn’t say in the call that he had asked them to leave.

After MB initiated the encounter by demanding they sign a document, he then called the police while they stood in the driveway. At that point, MB complained that RG was “looking right at me” in a threatening way. He told RG that filming him was harassment.

This was not an encounter initiated by LK. MB wanted to bully LK into signing a document and she declined to sign it. I would accept someone’s declining to sign a document they did not wish to sign, and not stick around giving them the opportunity to “look right at me” or film me. I would not call 911.

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Whatever you say.


How would she know this?


I already said I had no screenshots… read again. If I had known that the “train wreck” was going to get worse and those posts would mean something… I might have. At that point, it was just another “check out this craziness” thing on the far side of the country.

I do not care if you do not believe me. I am not going to beat the bushes for enough witnesses to appease your ever-changing demands.

LK made it clear she had been told to leave and spent a lot of time on FB looking for people to move her horses and making a Very Big Deal about the injustice of it all. That was roughly mid-July?? Not sure of the timing but it was well before the shooting. Perhaps someone had screenshots - and anything you post on the internet cannot truly be deleted. Just because she wound up claiming she was never asked to leave does not mean that was the case. LK contradicted herself and changed her stories/rants many times - which often resulted in a frenzy of deleted and/or edited posts. When you constantly lie on SM, cleaning up behind yourself on aisles 10, 23, 31, 47… is tedious.



So why didn’t the cops understand it?
Wouldn’t there be a report written up about the cops interaction in response to that 911 call?
I’d love to know what they wrote in it? Property owner wants squatter to sign form allow ing him to kill her? :roll_eyes:


The defense had tens of thousands of pages of SM so I would guess they are in there somewhere.


She confirmed these mental health issues, how?
And who was talking to her, let alone about MBs mental health?


“ As I said, if I’m in fear, I will call the cops & when they come - I will have evidence to show them. That’s a perfect example of the exact thing I said I’d do- bc I did do just that.”

She only called the cops once in the build up to the shooting so according to this post she wasn’t very afraid if that was the only time she called 911. The evidence she is talking about must have been her recording of the conversation she claims was about harming her. That must be why she admitted to the cops she was recording MB, she had to justify to them how she knew about the people in the SUV were trying to hurt her. It would also explain the time gap between the SUV’s appearance and the 911 call that wasn’t placed until the next day since she was retrieving the previous day’s recordings each night.

So, what about all that plotting to murder her she said she was listening to? Must not have been very afraid of it since she didn’t call 911.


If you don’t have screenshots, I said please don’t bother with testimonials from other people who “saw it, too.”

I have seen screen shots of her FB posts saying she was being bullied, was afraid, and wanted to leave.

I have not seen screen shots in which she said she “had been told to leave”.

She said something about the medications he took. She deleted it after the fact, but the reactions to the statement can still be found in the original thread. In fact, I believe this post triggered the conversation that led to her saying she’d seen his medications.


Lol sure it was. She knew he didn’t want anyone in the barn after a certain time.
Her arriving there after that hour is her initiating that encounter.


The police have no authority to make any type of decision like this. This is a civil matter. If the owner of the property says no riding, then there is no riding. Period.


And where the hell did I bother with any testimonials in my post? I did no such thing - so kindly don’t lecture me about how to post or what I should post.

She was never “afraid”. She never “wanted” to leave. She made that very clear. That was all for show.

But if you buy into the Poor Innocent Lamb scenario, you do you.



Yeah - those posts sound like someone was “afraid” as opposed to someone who was proud of herself for creating fear and being a badass.


It was really chilling to watch her casual admission during the trial that she had planned and tried to ruin MB in the video that someone posted earlier in the thread. I had not watched it for a long time.

Of the two most involved people in that court room, one of them looked absolutely terrified, and it certainly was not LK.


Yes, so afraid that she acquired a Florida home very close to his.


VERY excellent point! 99 was amazing, sophisticated, and competent, it was 86 (Max) who was the bumbler. So many great quotes from that series too.

Right Max!
The Old (fill in the blank) Trick!
Would you believe (fill in the blank)? No? How about (another crazy fill in the blank)? (Even crazier fill in the blanks)?
Got a headache Chief?
Not The Claw, The CLAW!!

Now I really wanna rewatch that show…!

And KM brought in Carnac The Magnificent! These posts made my night. (I’m easy to please! LOL :grin:)


Let’s not forget Maxwell Smart was ahead of his time with his shoe phone. Lol.