Mb civil suit rulings 11/15/2022

May have duplicates I lose count


Exactly! It was SO hilarious when it would ring when he was on an elevator, or walking on the street and ducking into a telephone booth to talk on his shoe. Now the joke probably barely registers or doesn’t make sense to kids who grew up with cell phones.


This is dispositive for me. There is ZERO chance that such elaborate negotiations were happening ON LK’s SIDE if she were welcome to stay and just deciding on her own to leave. Her father hired a lawyer, for the love of god. No one ever does that when they decide to simply switch facilities.

That is not a believable scenario at all. It only makes sense in the context of her being asked to leave.

If I were a betting woman, I’d bet we are going to see texts and messages and other evidence that she was made aware she was unwelcome well before any of this went pear shaped in August. We may even see evidence of Daddio intervening on her behalf long before like he did in NC and other places - going ape on a BO to intimidate them into letter her come or stay or come back when they didn’t want to. He even flew down to do so in person once if I’m not mistaken.

Once a jury sees evidence of all this, of the gleeful gloating that she’d broken into his office and could forge contracts, of her crowing about how scared he was of her, her publicly turning down all offers of assistance to move, etc., etc. - I just don’t see how they find her story believable or end up wanting to reward her for this behaviour.


Oh, hey, see, she talked to the FEI

don’t they only really care about drug testing horses?


KM, are the black blocks redacted portions? Or photos that aren’t showing?

Just part of the screen shot. Nothing redacted. I’m speed screenshotting


“ Yessss! I wish I could elaborate, but, I think when the content of this “new contract,” is revealed
 (attempted to force us to sign it two - maybe 3 -days prior to the shooting) that will be the “WOW, New development,” topic for a forum & National/International news. Chilling to the bone in hindsight. Especially, bc, when the officer who responded to the call told me what it said, I asked, “Does he think If we sign this he can like
 shoot us & kill us & he wouldn’t be held liable for our deaths.” The officer said, (something to the affect of) “If he thinks that, he must really think cops & courts are stupid. Of course he can’t shoot you or kill you & say “but they signed a contract agreeing that I am not liable for any injuries caused to them!” Oh
 how I wish I could share the full contents of this new contract he tried to bully us into signing, before removing the wooden bars & HIMSELF blocking all entrances into the barn - by calling the police. 




Ah, thanks for explaining.



.seems she is referring to McGrain’s testimony about sitting on a rock talking with JH in one of those screenshots KM. Seems we now know why she was there in the ninja garb.


Collecting the recording


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So much for barn gossip.


It’s pretty funny that the police told her how stupid it would be for anyone to think a waiver would release liability for murder but it flew over her head.

The last part - did MB try to block the entrances to the barn? Her writing style is almost incomprehensible.

In another one of those screen shots, LK says MB is bullying, threatening and lying to get out of paying for the renovations. That she is is fear for her safety, etc. Why would a woman of unlimited means risk her life for a mere 50k? Why would she risk the safety of her beloved horses for it?

Her excuses suck.


Still waiting for this great bombshell. What’s the delay?

Is it getting released in a package deal with a great health care plan and a set of tax returns?


I have a legal question. Would someone who had been illegally recorded be able to take any legal action against the manufacturer of the listening device if they were able to determine the device used?

Seems the manufacturer should bear some sort of responsibiity if they advertise a device for spying and it is used to spy illegally.

This. And this is why I think it’s inaccurate to describe her as a princess throwing a tantrum. It is much, much darker than a spoiled adult brat. It’s cold, calculating, and absolutely chilling.

When a jury sees things like her declaring she thinks it’s hilarious to watch them all run to their vehicles in order to try to have private conversations
game over. Every juror will put themselves in the shoes of those people. I believe LK even described them as ‘scurrying’ like little animals or bugs. No one but no one will buy her tale of ‘fear’ (esp as pointed out many times after learning she chose well after the shooting to buy a house near his only remaining property).


In that one about the McGrain and JH, she was laughing about whatever it was that they were talking about. Based on how much she liked to claim there was a plot to murder her
.arguably that is what she was laughing at


Oh, wait, anyone remember the barn drunk and sleep with one eye open comments? Wonder if that was the same conversation


Nailed it. Shades of Blinkas’ closing remarks too.