Mb civil suit rulings 11/15/2022

Was the Michael Poulin clinic at the farm at the end of July? In the middle of this whole thing?


The screen shot shows July 28, so yes.


Podcast you want to listen to. Especially YOU @hut-ho78 and @CurrentlyHorseless and @Rubyroo

Jury nullification stated. Exactly what we said.



And according to the doctors, it seems he was correct: that without direct contact with LK and RG, MB would probably be ok.


So, you ā€œdonā€™t trust recollections of FB postsā€¦ā€ But you DO trust your RECOLLECTION of seeing what LK posted here (see above bolded)

Some digression here. We have recycling in our city, once every 4 weeks. We used to have to separate the recycling but now throw everything together in a large cart (same size as trashā€”64 gallon? 96 gallon?). Our recycling used to be more often, but $$, and our city pays for it, soā€¦ Iā€™m MUCH better about doing it, but I still havenā€™t got around to recycling the Keurig cups that I use (and the box SAYS that they can be recycled).

There was a comment (WAY) above about ā€˜police departments donā€™t have clerks.ā€™ Our city of 40,000 residents most certainly does, 5 of them, although they are called Customer Service Representatives II. They work business hours, like 8-5, five days a week. They have to have background checks to work in the department, and they handle things like gun permits, parking tickets, beach parking passes, and yes, they will take ā€œpolice complaintsā€ from people who walk in (meaning, they HAVE to be ACCURATE.) My cousin started originally as a ā€œclerkā€ in the Police Department in her city (197,000+ residents), too, but Iā€™m not sure about the hours/shifts/days they might have.

I watch a lot of Forensic Files, The New Detectives, Cold Case, etc. shows, and many times, the police in those shows WAIT until trash is thrown out. Because once itā€™s in the garbage, itā€™s considered abandoned, and the police can grab it for DNA and/or evidence.

Hereā€™s something thatā€™s been mentioned. IF LK didnā€™t want to leave, but her horses were taken to another barn, would that barn accept them? I mean, would you expect a p*ssed off owner to PAY BOARD on the new place when she had been using them as leverage/an excuse to stay where she was at? Would a barn owner accept the horses knowing that? Unless the Bank of Dad guaranteed payment, I guess.


Very big in SoCal. In my area, we have 3 refuse containers: one for recycle (paper, plastic, glass, cans, cardboard); one for green waste (food remnants, yard/garden waste) that is sent for composting; and one for non-recyclable trash (bathroom waste, cellophane type plastics, Styrofoam, etc).

When I visit the AZ house, it drives me crazy that there is no recycling.:confused:


Iā€™m still about 500 comments behind (again), but I think we should do something similar to cow poop bingo with this - seems appropriate ā€¦


My thought exactly. She didnā€™t know about the SUV until the next day when she reviewed the camera footage. I mean if she did know about the sun when it was there, she didnā€™t call the cops when it was there, so she must not have Bern very alarmed. Gives time frames for cameras, as other things Iā€™m sure do.


I should just given up keeping up here. No new filings since around post 2540, right?

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Itā€™ll slow. You can catch up!

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Wellā€¦ up to 2750 now and really must sleep. I can sum up 2300-2750 though.


Beating a dead horse takes a lot of scrolling on COTH! LOL


We donā€™t know that MB summoned them. Perhaps they were in the barn already and he said ā€œhey you need to sign this.ā€

Having met RG I can understand feeling threatened if he initiated a stare down.


I am so far behind againā€¦

@ekat - Thanks as always for the timeline and for all your other explanations and expertise.

Curious - do we have any idea what night it was that LK was spotted doing her ninja impersonation in the woods near the barn?


This is not how it works at all. The police are not going to make judgement that a boarder does not have to sign a liability waiver. LK did not convince them of that.


I donā€™t think the witness specified an exact date, did he?


Poulins comments and reaction during 48Hours, knowing he worked with her, takes on a new hue


It is indeed an interesting coincidence. However, RC didnā€™t arrive until Aug. 2, so LK couldnā€™t have known how many rounds were in that pistol when she boasted at the end of July about needing ā€œonly three bullets.ā€

IIRC, RC testified that she wasnā€™t sure how many bullets were in her gun when she arrived at the farm but said something to the effect of ā€œmaybe 2 or 3.ā€

Even so, it is very curious that LK seemed to be fixated on the concept of ā€œthree bulletsā€ - not only claiming in that post that she herself only needed three bullets (because her aim was "near perfect), but to then insist that there had been three rounds fired (even though there was not enough forensic evidence to verify more than two rounds).

Itā€™s another puzzling circumstance.


So around when MB was already trying to get her to leave. :hushed:


Something tells me LK may actually has been taught a lesson she will never forget. Will she learn from her ā€œmistakesā€? I seriously doubt it based on her continued attacks on SM. She needs a new chess master to monitor her plays.