Mb civil suit rulings 11/15/2022

Why on earth wasn’t this super damning document and video produced as evidence in the criminal trial??? Was Schellhorn that inept or was her post another giant nothing burger?


Incredibly, it appears that LK went to a show about two weeks before August 7th, and did the Poulin clinic at the farm just over a week before August 7th. And was planning to show again in another week or so.

If you were really in fear for your life, would you be doing these things? Who does that? :thinking:


Do you know the date of that post? According to the timeline, she said during her testimony that she called SS on Aug. 2. But the timeline also reflects that she made SM posts on Aug. 5 about reporting him to SS.

So I am wondering if she first called SS on Aug 2 (a Friday) but then didn’t speak to an investigator until the following Monday (Aug 5). Or if she made the formal SS report on Aug 2 on that initial call but then didn’t mention it in her SM posts until the following Monday. And if the latter, why did she wait a few days to boast about it? She is such a braggart, it seems she would have been crowing about it pretty much immediately.

That makes me think that she called SS on Aug 2 but since it was a Friday, it took until Monday for an investigator to call her back. And that delay could have been because her initial report on Friday didn’t categorically state that minors were being abused physically or sexually (else my assumption is that SS would have IMMEDIATELY gotten an investigator on it). And if that is the case, why then did she check the box on the report form about physical or sexual abuse to minors? Which brings up another question - does anyone know if she herself filled out the form, or was the SS investigator filling out the form during their conversation?


That fact, plus the understanding of what a waiver/release is and how common it is, really makes her look foolish, repeating this idea that it was a license to kill her.

Perhaps because she did alot of that work, the waiver LK signed when she first arrived accidentally got taken away by Vera when she left?


Or maybe it was removed by LK when she said she had access to the office.


I wonder how IM/JK/Daddy knew MH stopped taking MB’s phone calls and when?

All these screenshots of old posts are horrifying :flushed: looking back again at everything. If it is very stressful to any of us, imagine the extreme stress it caused Michael when he reviewed each and every one of them pretrial! He frigging lived the horror and terror this woman and her comrades brought to his life! Yeah, he sure as hell did have a good life before Lauren Shay Kanarek, her father, and her buddy-boy destroyed it!!!


I am also a bit puzzled about her going to a show at that point. There was already so much bad blood between her and MB/MHG, I can’t imagine that they would have allowed her to come to the show with them, or stable with them. Or agree to transport her horses. So were they coerced to take her to the show, or were they too worried about how she might retaliate while they were gone?

I think it was mentioned somewhere before but I don’t remember the answer. Was LK actually entered at that competition? And if so, did she show? Or was that another one of her no shows or scratches?

Also notable is that the day after the show (7/25), ekat’s timeline reflect that LK “made a rambling FB Post about MHG, mentions recordings and videos, [states] “it’s war”.” And another post about “voice memos, “call the world” going to war.” As well as texted JK that she “knew Michael was scared.”

So it certainly sounds as though things must have been very, very tense at that show and the relationships deteriorated even further. She seemed particularly annoyed at MHG. Did MHG give her the cold shoulder at the show? Did MB focus his attention too much on MHG? Did MHG have very good results at the show? Did LK’s green-eyed monster grow exponentially through that weekend?


My guess, based on the statements here, that the investigator filled it out based on what she was telling them. There were statements made here that the conversation with the investigator was recorded. Also, LK’s statements that SS was only interested in minors so she told them what MB was doing and that he “just didn’t understand it was wrong” implied the children were brought up during a follow up interview. Also, since SS called CPS, and LK was clearly fixated on how CPS knew to go to the barn, then logically it follows that LK said something to SS about MB/MHG living in the barn. Now, is it believable that LK/JK may not have realized the import of what LK said to normal people….maybe, I mean look at how they justify plotting to destroy a person.


She was entered with two horses, scratched 3 rides, rode one (on Jay-T).


You lost me

You know….all of this stuff…I remember the apps that are out there that can be downloaded onto a phone, that are invisible, and will capture and send to a cloud everything from that phone: apps used, texts, emails, photos, and will record phone calls that can be reviewed later. I know of one that would let you turn on the phone speaker and allow you to use the phone as an ambient listening device.


He mentioned it in one of the screenshots of his posts up thread.


@Angela_Freda Thanks to Knights_Mom. She posted this.


That post about Solid Gold was August 6th, after she posted her manifesto.

LK has stated she called SS twice. The first time just to ask questions, the 2nd to file the report.


You know, last night in reviewing….it was very clear that a lot of our bingo card buzzwords came directly from LK’s posts and SM.


I remember some things very clearly if the memory is linked to past experiences. When it’s linked to past experiences my memory is certain.

Example: I was just talking about deer with friends. I distinctly remember when I came across my first one trail riding a certain area because I had just gotten an OTTB and came across a deer and my horse spun and bolted. As I know when I got that horse, I know when I came across that deer.

Another example: I dated an officer whose gun was a Ruger. We used to go to the range and shoot it. Only gun I’ve shot. So when I saw a post by LK about a Ruger it stuck as my mind said “Oh I’ve shot one of those”.

So given the right circumstances, memories can be pretty good.


Always weird to see IM’s posts and his theory that it was all MHG’s fault. When he was not even there and relied on LK’s interpretations of events.

I suspect that 48 Hours presented this point of view because it was more coherent than LK’s rants. She provided barely any narrative in the television show.


It’s weird as hell to read because IM doesn’t seem to recognize how truly absurd his presented point of view is. If the guys girlfriend doesn’t want LK around well thems the break. You gotta go. You don’t get to play a game of Risk and fight over the territory Barisone. LK had zero right to MB.

MB was never territory to be conquered. LK could not just plant her flag on him and declare him LaLaLand.


Memories are good because they make you, ah, remember stuff. Sometimes people with memories are called witnesses.


I don’t think that’s necessarily true under all circumstances. Adults sometimes need to tolerate people they don’t like.

But when the girlfriend is also a trainer and an integral part of the operation in the boyfriend’s barn, then, yes, if one of the main people at the barn wants you gone, you need to go.