Mb civil suit rulings 11/15/2022

No. See the sentence bolded. I don’t trust my recollections of FB posts, SM posts, anything. That’s why I don’t trust the recollections of @Knights_Mom, @smoofox, anyone.

In all these quoted LK social media rants, she shows herself to be so mean, so smug, so vindictive, and so way off-kilter that reading makes me physically ill. I’ve had to stop reading them. My hope is that one day, a day not too far off, everyone involved in this horrible situation will get exactly what they deserve.


That’s true, he may have asked them to sign the papers when they happened to be in the barn.

In the 911 call, the dispatcher told him to get away if he could do so safely. He doesn’t. He stays standing in the middle of the barn. He says “Don’t leave”, apparently to Ruth Cox.

LK and RG were standing outside in the parking lot. I don’t see why anyone would stand around in the parking lot unless MB ordered them to stay there, as he did RC.

It sounds like RC made moves to leave the area, as the dispatcher instructed, which would have removed her from RGs menacing stares and the filming, but Barisone wanted all the parties standing there tensely, waiting for the police to arrive.

Your statement is false as you readily accept the memories of IM and LK just fine.


Actually, yes, I agree. They’re also not going to force her to sign the document, whatever it was. They’re going to say “This is a civil matter, not a criminal matter.”


Interesting how CH changed the narrative from “recollections” in their original post to “my recollections” in the reply. :woman_shrugging:t2:


So you don’t trust anyone’s memories (other than IMs and LKs apparently) but you have zero issue with imagining what various parties were thinking in a situation you did not witness nor did you speak directly to someone who did.

Your imagining is just fine and dandy now but when people did the same thing discussing how the jury came to their verdict, you were quite adamant that their imaginations were nonsense and a waste of time.


How was the document relevant for the criminal trial? Schellhorn was not trying to establish premeditation or conspiracy.

The 911 call was relevant to the trial to show MBs state of mind.

And when EVERYONE at the barn clearly wants you to go, why would you fight to stay?


This is why I find it believable that she wasn’t asked or told by MB to leave prior to Aug 5.

IM said it went from a Cold War to a hot war very suddenly. Looks to me like July 30 is the approximate transition point.

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Okay…keep that twisting going. You’ll tie yourself in knots before long.


Excellent question.


No. “My recollections” was in the original post. I even bolded it for you.

I do not trust LKs memories; particularly since I think the trauma and induced coma messes with memory. I consider JK reliable, but not infallible.

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What was I twisting, @eggbutt?

It is my opinion that the 911 call about the document was discussed in the trial to address MBs state of mind. That was discussed in the testimony of RC.

I’m very curious as to what the document actually said, but I can see that disclosing it was not relevant to the trial since Schellhorn did not need to prove premeditation or conspiracy.

If posters want to express the opinion that the jury changed the verdict from straight NG to NGRI by jury nullification in order to ensure MB received psychiatric care, that’s their right. I have no objections.

My opinion is that such a view is utterly bizarre.

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JK whom you are admitting is IM apparently has been proven wrong numerous times.

Thanks for acknowledging JK is IM being that’s the only way you would have known what JK said.


About as bizarre as believing nobody asked LK to leave?


Kudos, @Knights_Mom. You got me. I’ve said all along that I have a suspicion as to the real life identity of IM, but did not know for a fact the identity.

I have suspected all along that IM is JK, just like everyone else!

It is still the case that I do not know for a fact that IM is JK. Since IM has chosen not to disclose his identity, I will not assert that IM is JK, only acknowledge that that is my suspicion.

On what statements has IM been proven wrong?

That LK might some day in the future train with MB?
How exactly would one prove that statement is wrong?

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I feel like we’ve all had to have this argument before about LK having been asked to leave. Regarding the 911 calls, he does absolutely tell the police that she is squatting.

Oh look… from 3 years ago:

AND this one from 2021:


Nice try.