Mb civil suit rulings 11/15/2022

I am assuming the jurors were sane. I find it bizarre that a group of 12 sane jurors would engage in jury nullification to change a verdict from NG to NGRI in order to ensure the defendant gets psychiatric care. Utterly bizarre.

It would also be bizarre if a sane, non delusional businessman failed to deal with the crisis by asking LK to leave well in advance of it becoming a crisis.

MB was insane. Delusional. Exhibiting bizarre behavior.

MHG may well have told LK to leave. But it wasn’t her call to make. I can believe that MB, given his irrational, delusional behavior, never asked her to leave. The normal ongoing plans for horse shows, clinics, and bringing in new horses to the farm continued right through Aug 7.

ETA According to Merriam-Webster, synonyms for “bizarre” include “insane” and “crazy”.

So yes, MB not asking LK to leave was bizarre, and one illustration, among many, of his insanity.


So you don’t care to provide even a single example of a statement made by IM (who I suspect is JK) that has been proven wrong?

I can’t think of one either!

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Some of the comments here are IMO just sick. If I were the assistant trainer at a big name barn, and partners with the owner (i.e, on the same page) I would darn well be entitled to ask her to leave. They safety of my children at stake? H*ll yeah.


You wouldn’t have legal standing to end the boarding relationship or training relationship between MB and his client.

You could give your boyfriend an ultimatum that if he didn’t “get rid of” the client you detested, you would leave him.

Do you think that’s what MHG did?

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Oh I can! His master statement that Michael Barisone would be found guilty on all counts! No, I won’t go dredge up the post because I know most of us recall it
he actually seemed to be jeering when I swatted him down saying he was wrong. Smug man that he is. The better question is what has he been right about other than seeing to it that Michael won’t be releasesd before Christmas despite expert opinions?


The verdict itself. He predicted MB would be guilty and made fun of me for saying NG.

Do not expect me to waste my time searching. I will not waste time on you.


I’m still thinking a Xmas release is possible.


See, my recollection is different. My recollection may be wrong.

My recollection is that IM said that he thought MBs decision to turn down the plea deal of 10 years and plead NGRI was a very risky move, but that there was no predicting what a jury would do.

He seemed confident that the prosecutor would prove his case on actus reus, without needing the recordings, but I don’t remember him offering a prediction on the result of the NGRI plea.

I remember zero statements in which IM predicted a straight guilty verdict on all counts.

But my memory is not perfect, by any means.

I can understand why you don’t want to bother searching for the post.

Oh, I don’t expect you to waste time searching for something that is not there.

If you were saying MB would be found straight NG, IM was correct in saying you were wrong. MB was not found straight NG on all counts.

Words to live by on these threads.


Particularly since she ended up having to send her child away for safety.


Sure Jan.




My dogs brother was named Ruger. Which is why her reference to a Ruger stuck.




Remind me. What business has LK successfully run?

(That’s for CH/HH/RR since they’re so devoted to the LK narrative)




“I was never " squatting”

fired defense attorney

She’s referring to the first attorney MB had, correct?


Also not true. If I were the owner or part owner of a property and was leasing my property to a trainer who was then leasing stalls to boarders I could absolutely have a contract that overrode the trainer’s boarding contract. In fact, that’s how most contracts where there’s an owner then a trainer leasing, then boarders work. As farm owner I certainly don’t just have to deal with an annoying or destructive boarder because the trainer hasn’t asked them to leave or is having difficulty getting them to leave.


How about all his statements about how MHG’s career would be ruined and how much SS would care about certain statements made on recordings. Seems like they haven’t/don’t if the case against MHG was closed.