Mb civil suit rulings 11/15/2022

Someone is getting proven wrong a lot today.


LK was interfering with the operation of MH’s business. Of course she has the right to ask for LK to leave. LK seems to think only what she wants and needs matters.


If there even was a contract. Plus the parties lack any respect or understanding of legalities so meaningless. RG & LK did not want to appear in court; KK and JK are still dodging subpoenas.


I agree that a barn owner could override a trainers contract. But MHG was not an owner of HH.

I think I missed something along the way. How was the district attorney already involved?

And if it was true that the DA was already involved, then what was he basing his decision on? Did he think that LK owned the property and MB was merely leasing the barn or was her hired trainer? Or did he think that LK’s contract or agreement with MB did not forbid her from going to the barn whenever she wished? And where in the world would he have gotten that impression? From LK herself? (Remember how adamant she and RG were about referring to the farmhouse as “their porch, their property”?)

Ha ha ha. Except apparently the cops at Morris Township PD - or at least that particular officer. And God only knows what she showed the cop. Was it truly, truly EXACTLY the same document that MB had asked her and/or her planned visitors to sign? Or was it a false duplicate that had been altered to reflect absurd demands or requirements? :thinking:


Note how there is a lot of projection in her posts

"textbook bullying, plotting, lying blatantly
“Soooo slimy”
“nefarious ploys”
“Some people in life, seem to feel that they are untouchable by anyone”

And then

“Everything from my life, my livelihood and even riding career have all been threatened

What livelihood? Was she giving lessons or charging for napping? What riding career? You need to put in the work for it to be a career as opposed to a fun hobby. And she made it very clear that she was out to Finish the Bastard and ruin that livelihood and career - as well as MHG’s.

Nothingburger. She has turned a simple waiver - the kind of thing that all our boarders have to sign - into some nefarious plot. She was outraged that barn hours or arena hours would be restricted?? Ummm yes - they can be. At most if not all boarding barns. But apparently nobody puts Baby in a corner - not allowed! No rules apply to her! And she will seek revenge for even the smallest imagined slight
 and she could turn anything trivial into some damning Solid Gold bombshell

If she was riding at our big boarding barn
 barn and arena closed at 10:00. Only that late as we had some shift workers. No signed waiver/paperwork - no riding. No excuses. No exceptions. The sign/notice that must be posted on the wall is not a substitute. Surprisingly enough, our boarders did not see any of those documents as a nefarious Licence to Kill. Nor did they plot against us and put up cameras and mics


Well, maybe that is something that is yet to come out. I’m sure there was a lot of misrepresentation of things going on. But, one has to wonder what groundwork (because why else do you need to be able to forge a signatures?) was being done in order to make breech of contract lawsuit claims and free board/training for life on a horse she bought from MB.


My very first thought when I read those particular posts!



Or maybe LK was just, you know, making it up.

The same LK who testified in court that she lies on social media. That’s the problem with someone who lies a lot. Zero credibility.


Is it just me, or does it seem like she is telling CiCi there that she had been recording/documenting/planning since she arrived at MB’s and that she was aware of his issues/behavior from the beginning? Is this an admission that MB was targeted for something?

Isn’t that in direct contradiction of Seeker’s claim that they were not aware of his behavior or they would have left/never trained with him at all?


I guess everyones ignore stopped working :laughing:


looks like a bunch of social media bs if you ask me.

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MB was not the owner of the farm.

Entirely possible, but even years ago, long before the trial, when I first read this reference to the DA I wondered if maybe Daddy had made a few friendly phone calls at some point. You know, like he would later go on to say he had spoken to the judge before the trial.

If that were in fact so, the accuracy of what was told to the DA, as well as the accuracy of LK’s interpretation of what she heard back (2ndhand?) from him, would all be highly suspect even before her lack of truthfulness was factored in.


True but one has to admit that the Monty Python dead parrot sketch is pretty amusing.


In your barn, did you require the signed waiver before the first ride or before the horse was brought in to the premises?

Did you ever wait until 16 months after the first ride to require a signed waiver?

I don’t think the document was a license to kill. There is no such thing.

But I cannot think of a rational explanation that MB would permit her to ride multiple horses for months without having required the signed liability waiver, then require her to sign a waiver on Aug 4, 2019, at which point negotiations for her departure were already under way.

Is this pointing out something IM/JK said that wasn’t true?

Because technically SGF LLC owned the farm, but MB was a partner in the LLC so he did indirectly have ownership of the farm.


Got it, thanks.

Barns change contracts all the time and have people sign new releases or add an additional stipulation to the contract. It is entirely plausible that there was a new contract that would cover the time LK continued to board there even though she had already been asked repeatedly to leave. Nothing about an additional contract would have waived the requests to leave.

Notice “as of 12/01/22 barn hours are now 8am to 10pm unless given specific permission by barn owner”


In my barn that waiver has to be signed the first time you step on the premises and before you can ever interact with a horse on the property. No exceptions. Oh, and it has to be renewed yearly.