Mb civil suit rulings 11/15/2022

Well, operations and management changed when VK left also, that might institute a new waiver.

And yes, maybe it proved to have gone missing, coincidentally after LK gained access to the office.


What an ironic statement. That only MB had the right to ask her to leave. And we are told we worship him. It also reeks of LK entitlement. I can imagine LK torting that only MB could ask her to leave.

Would you say the same about JH as you do MHG? JH, who also worked with clients, trained LK quite a bit according to her social media posts, but even though he directly trained her, directed worked with her, he had absolutely no say in the matter? That MB wouldnā€™t take his assistant trainerā€™s opinion (of 15 years) into consideration?

I didnā€™t realize MB was running a monarchy here and that we know for certain he wouldnā€™t take any of his associates opinions into account. What a strange assumption to make. Is this how your involvement with businesses have been? Youā€™d be the minority.

Not only was MHG his partner, she was a business partner, involved in the workings and operations of HH. Why on earth would he not take how she felt into consideration?

These questions are rhetorical as I do not believe this is in anyway how things worked. I also know you do not know how things worked.

You do not know if this was a waiver, first off, and you do not know if this waiver was for LK or her guest. Stop pretending to know.

It also truly does not matter if she had signed one previously, had not, if this was an updated contract, etc. If she truly felt MB was entrapping her in some sort of murder conspiracy, she should have left immediately. Instead she did not most irrational and inflammatory thing and stayed while digging further in. Her behavior was negligent and reckless.


I think almost anything is a possibility with people whoā€™ve demonstrated that they will lie a lot, and also do things that most people would never attempt as a means to their own ends. So LK could have fabricated the whole thing about the DA, or JK could have contacted the DA right off the bat with false information, or anything in between.

I will say that when I watched the video of the trial again recently, I did notice that the prosecutor looked pretty damp. In hindsight, I wonder if he was sweating bullets about having any specific information pop up during the testimony, or if it was just a result of him seeing how his star witness was coming across to the jury.


Re: LK showing shortly prior to Aug 7th

Iā€™m really not surprised that they did show. How do you handle a ticking bomb? MB had hundreds of thousands of dollars in assets at the farm, many very nice horses - Iā€™m sure several in the 6 figures considering their training level, millions invested in barns, an indoor arena, miscellaneous property, etc. Iā€™m sure the tack room contents were 5, possibly 6 figures alone. There was a lot at stake for MB and everyone to lose.

At this point, MB sees LK for who she is and as we know, was terrified. Does he pour fuel on the fire and refuse to take her to a show? Or does he comply like the prisoner in his own home that he is?

At this point, Iā€™m sure MB thought she was capable of anything. I would have been seriously concerned about a barn fire, especially since LK had already eluded to a faulty dryer. MBā€™s entire livelihood and lifeā€™s work could be eradicated in minutes. I think MB was absolutely trapped and was trying his best not to set the lunatic and her minion off. What a terrible and vulnerable situation to be in.


It was one of my favorites too! Loved Agent 99 and Jaime! I went to jr. high with Don Adamsā€™s daughter, Cecily Adams. Nice girl.


This made me laugh. Clearly you have never been to a barn? Standing in the parking lot, even in gross miserable weather, is totally a thing.

Butā€¦ on the actually topic, the list of things that Lauren Kanarek, Jonathan Kanarek (@Inigo-montoya) and Kirby Kanarek (@Seeker1) have done/said in this (general related to Lauren boarding with Michael, etc) situation that do not make sense to the average person is very long, I think standing in a parking lot for no good reason other than to annoy Michael is very low on the list.


Getting her to go with them to the show, rather than leave her at the farm, since you have other clients needing your presence and need to go, would be too risky also.
So making sure that if everyone was away at a show, that she was too would be wise


But they certainly are tenacious in their wrongness!


Iā€™m thinking daddy got to him with his cutsey story about his innocent little girl.


I provided you screen shots of many things in a past thread, that you promptly ignored, clearly.


If her training agreement was with Michael Barisone, then Michael Barisone had the responsibility to end the training relationship.

As assistant trainers, JH and MHG can convey to the head trainer their preferences to not train or interact with LK and their preferences that LK be told to leave. I donā€™t tell my employer what clients the firm can or canā€™t take on.

I think the essence of the conflict was that LK wanted to train with MB and not be relegated to the assistant trainers, and MHG wanted her gone altogether.

MB, as head trainer, needed to make a decision to tell LK to leave, as MHG wanted, or tell MHG that he was keeping LK as a client. It appears he let the conflict fester and escalate rather than making a simple choice in April or May or June or July.

On Aug 5 Tarshis finally communicated to LK that she needed to leave. It is not clear to me whether Tarshis took that step on MBs instructions or whether Tarshis and JK stepped into a vacuum left by MBs indecision.

I wonder if Cici Bauer has changed her perspective after all these months or does she still drink the Kool-aid?


You and I are very different people. Yes, I have boarded horses at barns. If Iā€™m not actively interacting with my horse or the other boarders, I leave! I donā€™t stand around in the parking lot, even in good weather.

In this case, they were standing in the parking lot waiting for the police to arrive after MB asked them to sign some documents and MB called 911 when they declined.

I was looking at it more from the perspective of LKā€™s claims. She had been posting that she was scared to death of MB, and she was afraid her horses were going to get hurt, and she was not getting the services she was paying for, or whatever other nonsense she invented.

So at that point, she wanted to go to a show with MB and his crew anyway? Seriously??

Iā€™m also still thinking about the poor people who had the stalls near them at that show. That had to be no fun.


Yes, I remember. Youā€™d claim he said ā€œyadda, yadda, yaddaā€, and then when the screenshot came up, it would turn out he had actually said something different.

Donā€™t bother with screenshots on my account. Iā€™m not aware of anything heā€™s said thatā€™s been clearly refuted.

Oh the irony. She had been making things miserable for everyone at the barn - by her own boasting, gleeful comments all over SM. She bragged about it!!

And one more time, for those in the back who still do not seem to understand this, he did nt call 911 simply because they refused to sign - but because of their aberrant behavior when asked to sign.

When you have merrily laid waste to the atmosphere of a barn and affected that businessā€¦ having new terms that may seek to address that would make perfect sense. It would still not be the alleged Licence to Kill that LK was suggestingā€¦


True, uncomfortable any way you look at it, or however removed from the epicenter


Obviously an informal opinion expressed to an acquaintance wouldnā€™t be enforceable. But if there was any truth to her post that she thought the DA had said this, it would definitely increase her sense of entitlement, if it was even possible to increase that.

Aargh, now Iā€™m getting all mixed up ā€” and had to scroll back to remember the context in which the DA came up (when I should be washing windows ā€” is it any wonder that Iā€™m procrastinating by reading CotH instead?). I thought she had said something about the DA to the police, but now I see sheā€™s claiming the DA had repeatedly told MB he could not block her from the barn. Huh. And then she stated that the police

reminded MB he could not restrict barn hours

which if true (I know, a big if) makes me really wonder what was going on in that police department (I know, we are all wondering that).

ETA: It strikes me that if itā€™s true that any authority figures were telling MB he could not keep them out of the barn, when he was desperately looking for a way to keep everything/everyone he cared about safe from them, he must have felt that there was no place to turn for help. I can imagine how that would have added to his mental anguish!


Yes, the aberrant behavior was RG staring directly at MB from the parking lot and filming MB with his phone while waiting for the police to arrive in response to MBs 911 call.

Would the staring and filming have occurred if MB had not engaged them by demanding they sign the documents?

Yes, Iā€™d like to see the law on the books that says a business owner canā€™t set their own hours. Does that mean I could go to the bank in that town at 2 AM and demand service?