Mb civil suit rulings 11/15/2022

Definitely a thing. Boarders meet each other as they are coming and going…and chat. Staff chats with boarders as they come and go. We even put down some patio tiles and added a little bench right at the parking lot just to help with that,… just under a cedar tree to encourage people not to stand out in the rain. Because it happens.

Obviously. :confused:

Again - telling others how they should post. Your hero IM/JK has been wrong many times - you just refuse to acknowledge that and will strain to interpret his posts to be anything but what they are actually saying.


Her training was not just with MB. Her social media posts that are still up on her public FB acknowledge JH and MHG in their involvement with her training as recently as June of 2019 for MHG specifically. This was not a situation where she was solely working with MB. In fact, that was a chief complaint of LK’s which you also acknowledge - that she was not solely trained by MB.

You are describing a business relationship you know nothing of. You are setting stipulations in stone that do not exist. If an assistant trainer is working predominantly with a client and they do not want to work with the client, they usually do not work with the client. There are few hard and fast rules in business and businesses operate differently. You are presuming things about their business hierarchy that are based on zero evidence or facts.


I do not claim to have anyone on ignore, I have never claimed to have anyone on ignore…


Your mileage is different than mine.
But I am sure that does not surprise you.

I can say that anytime I have had to sign a new contract while boarding, the changes are typically something that make things better for the owner. I mean…why else would they be changing the contract. Maybe adding a line that covers them for something they had not thought of before. Or adding a line about no loose dogs. Or changing the board price. A new waiver might be because their lawyer wanted to update something. Really, this is not near as nefarious as you are trying to twist it into. Either sign the new contract or find a new barn.


Edited to add, I’d say pretty much everything about IM’s comment has been proven wrong.


Wow. :laughing:

You really think all that happened was benign “staring”?? Imagine LK and her usual histrionics when anyone dares to correct or confront here - if it was crazy here or on other SM - think how it would be in person!

I am bemused that you would think it was simply staring that was the issue, considering the ninja tactics and other misery that was being inflicted on that barn.

They are BOARDERS - and ones with problematical behavior. They need to sign whatever is required to stay there or LEAVE - as a result of what they have done and said. How hard is that to understand? Unless you are LK - who is above and beyond any rules of any kind.


BINGO. Thank you.

ETA: we had to change up the boarding contracts when one boarder decided the rules did not apply to her and she could ride whenever she damn well pleased, help herself to feed that was not hers - a long lost of issues. We reinforced the hours the barn and arena were open and said the gate would be LOCKED at 10:00 pm. Feed room locked in between feedings. All boarders approved - except for that one but she came around when fellow boarders talked to her and reminded her what a nice facility it was, less $$$$ than other nearby barns… plus location, location, location…


This is like asking if a sexual assault would have occurred if someone hadn’t worn a short skirt.

He had every right to ask them to sign what is assumed to be a waiver of liability. RG’s intimidation and harassment were completely unwarranted.



I think this is a good representation of you not remembering posts well. Good thing you do not trust your memory on such things.


No, I’m not telling her how to post. Or you. She is perfectly free to post screenshots or not, as the spirit moves her.

I’m just saying that I am not requesting screenshots of her. Or you.

I am not aware of statements that IM has made that have been proven wrong. I’m not convinced by the assertions by others that he has “been wrong many times”.

If anyone wishes to post a screen shot of a particular statement of his they considered wrong, that might convince me. But I’m not asking or demanding anyone post screenshots. I’m happy to continue in my belief that IM has rarely been proven wrong.

I understand you believe otherwise.

I certainly did when I posted something about how staying and playing her game of poke the bear was probably a bad idea as is having so many animals you don’t have an exit plan available for them. She asked how many horses I owned and why I’m on a horse forum if I don’t own any. So, apparently you can’t be on COTH unless you’re a horse owner according to her.


Now your changing the goal post to “rarely” proven wrong? I just posted above a screenshot where everything IM said was WRONG.


I agree that if they declined to sign a new contract with new terms, he could require them to leave with whatever notice was required in the previous contract.

If they refused to sign to new terms on Aug 4, he can ask them to leave on the terms of the previous agreement. Apparently Tarshis informed them that they needed to leave the next day.

What part of any of that requires calling 911?

Well, it’s only been 2.5+ years since that post by JK/IM. Maybe we’re all going to get our notifications from safe sport at any moment. :roll_eyes:

When someone repeatedly says “it’s not clear to me” after things have been plainly demonstrated multiple times, I can only think that the person is wearing broken Mr. Magoo glasses, or has no interest in seeing the truth.


I do not currently own a horse of my own. But I am owned and employed by 25. Does that count? :wink:


I signed upon coming in and when they renew. From time to time my barn says they redid theirs and like a normal person I read it, and sign it.


MB has a duty to protect his employees and clients from threats. If he feels the situation warrants a call to 911 then that is his call.


Out in 30 days? No way. Sign or goodbye. You don’t give someone 30 days to get hurt on your property.


Once again, you manage to ignore the antics and threats that had become “normal” by that point. I imagine the reaction to that new document was explosive - based on LK’s repeated threats and bragging about what a badass she was on her SM posts… as witness by her SM posts about that incident.

But you think it was all about benign staring.



So then she should LEAVE



@CurrentlyHorseless, I think I asked this just yesterday. Did you watch the trial or the online recordings of it. Specifically the testimony of Ruth Cox? It was suggested I think yesterday you watch that regarding the 911 call you are insisting was from them not signing papers. Have you watched it yet? I have to assume not because you are still spreading incorrect information, that was covered in the trial. You making up what happened is saying more about you than I think you would like it to. Maybe go watch the testimony.