Mb civil suit rulings 11/15/2022

I agree that MB had every right to ask them to sign whatever agreement he wanted. They had every right to decline to sign it.

I still find it difficult to imagine it was a straightforward renewal of an already signed liability waiver. It seems more likely that it contained some changes to the terms of their previous agreement.

Once they declined to sign it, MB had every right to end their existing client relationship.

When they declined to sign it, instead of accepting their decision and ending the interaction by walking away, MB decided to call 911 and prolong the interaction. We don’t know if he ordered them to wait in the parking lot until the police arrived. We do know that he ordered RC not to leave.

Did anyone watch Ruth Cox’s testimony that was linked here yesterday?

She explains quite clearly what the releases were for.

LK said she was bringing in people including an elderly person to ride the horses. Ruth refers to “the attorney” meeting with them(RC and MB) and giving them releases to have LK sign regarding bringing people on the property.

And, when presented, per Ruth Cox, RG threatened her and MB.




I’m not “imagining” a reaction.

MB mentioned that RG was “staring right at him in a menacing way” and “filming him” on the 911 call.

Agree! When I moved my horse last year, the boarding contract I signed literally had a clause in it saying there will be no gossiping or drama in the barn. At another barn when the BO had to raise rates we all signed a new contract reflecting the change. Happens all the time!


Yes, I had mentioned this up-thread.


And? I would call 911. Could this have also been when RG made the pointing gun with his hand at MB?

ETA: you seem to forget LK and RG are admitted drug addicts.


I think past experience tells us CH is not going to stop posting false information, despite knowing it’s false.


Yes, I did watch the RC testimony. Regarding threats made to MB, she first said that RG stated that he would not permit MB to control the care of LKs horses.

Bilinkas insisted on refreshing RCs memory regarding what she said to the police on Aug 7. In the police report on Aug 7, RC stated that RG said something like “I’m going to take you down”.

That was not in the police report on the Aug 4 911 call, as far as I am aware.

I think this is where you’re straying.
What makes you say this?
On what illustration of the interaction, exactly, do you base that on?
Did someone tell you? You read it somewhere? You watched it described during the trial?


No, that was when the health inspectors and fire Marshall’s were there.


Wait, what?
So your point is that there were threats made both times?


No. That absolutely did not happen. The police do not get to set policy for a private business. They don’t get to decide what hours a business needs to be open either so she was not told that he can’t set barn hours either.


No, @BigMama1, I have never, ever, not once posted false information “despite knowing it’s false”.

I may misremember, I may be wrong, but I have never knowingly posted false information.

You are free to document any instances in which you believe I have done so, or not, as the spirit moves you.

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I would not be one bit surprised if she never admitted in a post that she had been “told to leave” or “asked to leave.” It would not support the narrative that she had no flippin’ idea that they wanted her to leave - so she didn’t.

But we all know the REAL reason she didn’t leave was as someone that exhibits all the signs of extreme NPD, she MUST win. LOSING would mean she had been REJECTED - and as I have said before, that would be a fate too horrible for her to contemplate.


@Maria, I think you win the internet with this post:


What? We know he called 911 because the 911 call exists.

LOLOLOLOL I am going to EDIT in a minute. Dangit. I have the hardest time remembering how to post pictures. LOLOLOL


Except at the time, she was certain that he would be found Guilty and locked up in jail for a very, very long time. I wonder if she has since wondered for even a nanosecond if buying that property was a good idea.