Mb civil suit rulings 11/15/2022

You are being ridiculous. Again. You know exactly what she means. You’re acting like M said “hey sign this” and LK said “no thank you sir” then he called 911. We have the actual 911 call that shows us exactly why he called 911 and if you actually listened to it their reaction to the contract was not in any way what you are trying to make it out to be.

I do not understand why you are so fixated on this one contract and incident.


Which really makes me think that she (and RG and JK) were spinning the narrative to make the cops believe that THEY were the actual owners/lessees of the property and that MB was simply a hired hand.


:confused: did I only get the picture and not the gif?

It is supposed to be Sylvester banging his head on a telephone pole


Just making a joke to break up the feed a bit :stuck_out_tongue:

Looks like Sylvester in a hurricane lol

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Wow, I haven’t seen those before. Who is Simms?

And I wonder if the folks participating in the other posts have since then done a little more investigating and have changed their minds about things. Or do they still believe LK’s blustering?


I listened to the 911 call just yesterday; he gives the reason for the call as he asked them to sign a document and they refused.

In terms of “their reaction”, he mentions on the 911 call that RG is filming him and “staring at him in a menacing way” as they wait for the police to arrive.

I think the fact that MB called 911 in response to their not signing a document is illustrative of his delusional state as of Aug 4. Indeed, RC testified about the incident in the trial as evidence of his state of mind.

Not really fair to bring in random third parties off Facebook posts, when they aren’t here to participate or even know they are being discussed.

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Yes… I believe in one of the preliminary hearings MB’s first attorney called them squatters. She of course claimed on this forum that they were never asked to leave and MB never called them squatters.


That would work too.

Those are Chronicle posts.


I’m not looking to argue with you, but that horse left the barn long ago!

Plus, there are many many many people discussed here on CoTH (not just this thread) on the daily that aren’t here to participate nor do they know there being discussed. I mean, heck, look at the threads where people critique a horse and rider without their approval (see “4 year showing 4th level” thread in this sub forum).

So I don’t necessarily agree or disagree with what you’re saying, it’s just that this happens all the time. Not just on this thread, and what makes it sometimes ok and sometimes not ok?


Was he the original lawyer who appeared at the initial hearing with MB?


I can expect the open date for that show was late May or early June. Unless things changed, LK always did her own entries so she probably did hers as soon as the show entries opened. As I recall, she liked lower bridle numbers. The closing date would have been the 1st week in July at the latest.

I am shocked she went at all with all the fear she was expressing everywhere, but typically she scratched most of her tests.


Now imagine on that fateful day, MB drives up, possibly unaware of her presence at the house, and then she demands one last time that he “fix things” by sending MHG packing….and he says no. Then, like she testified to…she approached him……so do we think it was a demure approach or a screaming banshee, arms flapping, cell phone hitting approach?


How many times now have you posted that MB called 911 because LK wouldn’t sign a document? False. And you know it because numerous people have told you it’s false. Some have even helpfully directed you to the precise testimony which confirms it. And yet you continue to make that false claim.


Where were you able to see the Aug 4 police report? I would love to see it.


Don’t hold your breath waiting for a response from her regarding this IM screenshot. When proof is put in front of these people, they disappear or deflect with whataboutisms.


If only!


Ah yes, I am still horribly worried about being monitored on here by Safe Sport and USEF. I mean really- they have contacted me about what is going on here constantly- NOT!!!

Just more wishful thinking, or in other words lies, on the part Jonathan Kanarek/IM!!!